Saturday, September 15, 2007

Joy Conquers

It has been a sad week around here (see previous post). Thursday morning dawned cloudy and grey with a viewing and a funeral on the day's docket.
I picture a chess game began in the greater scheme of things, in the spiritual realm, that Thursday morn.

A Funeral.

New Life.

Beat that.


Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures! You do awesome work! I love the one with Daniel in the background. It brings tears to my eyes! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Nice analogy, pics, and editing.

Anonymous said...

And all God's people said.... AMEN.

Anonymous said...

I love these!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going old school...


And now I'm coming back...

God's Cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THEM!!!!!! Thanks so much Tammi. You are so great! ahhh I cant wait to see the rest.

Anonymous said...


Zac's not a bad name. :0)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Amy Lynn and "In The Den" are married and now have a new son, right?

Trying to figure all this out...bloggerland, who ever thought this stuff up?!? I'm still trying to figure out all the new people here.

Tammi-you *almost* made me want to have another so you could come take cool pics. ha.ha.

Anonymous said...

that really gave me chills reading everything that is going on and then this of new life! how wonderful how God can bring blessings in right when people need them!
and in a couple years i will be calling on you to come take pix of me giving birth :) although it turns out i am the only ostman child not having kids at this time!

Anonymous said...

Camryn is so excited. She has been asking me every day since we moved if Mrs. Titus had her baby! Congratulations, he is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I think I shall fly you out to St. Louis the next time I deliver (which will hopefully not be any time soon).