Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Any Truth To This, Do Ya Think?

For all of you who are interested in politics, or lovers of the McCain/Palin duo....do you think THIS article has any truth to it??

Personal Disclaimer: I think that whether the article is true or not doesn't really matter....(except that IF it was true it would make her rather dishonest and of questionable ethics). In regards to her abilities as a leader and potential skills in leading the country though, it doesn't make a difference for the most part. I just wanted to see if you'd heard of it and thought it had any truth to it. End disclaimer.


Anonymous said...

Its pathetic....read TIME article for truth........

Anonymous said...

. . .any idea how in depth the vetting process is? And, its highly linked to age...
80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35....hmmm, not likely for a healthy 16 year old...lame, hateful, and typical. How come the left feels empowered to embolden this vile rhetoric, abstract and vitriolic lawlessness, and outright fbrication all for the cause? What cause? S T U P I D.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't think Dano's buying it.

Thought you might have fun with this one.

Anonymous said...

Unclench your fists - fingernail marks in your flesh are unbecoming. Oh, and make love - not war.
*hippie hugs*

Clint - That's a good blog...and that was an excellent blog post. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I doubt it to be true. Pregnant women all show differently, and if Palin was running the whole time, it would make sense that she didn't show. I just looked in my pregnancy book and 1 in 38 babies born to a woman at the age of 44 have Downs Syndrome. It would make sense for someone that age to hide their pregnancy, in case she miscarried.
Also, do you think Bristol would make the same mistake a SECOND time? She is pregnant now.

Anonymous said...

I think it is interesting, but I would be shocked if it were true. I didn't look pregnant until I was 6 months along... and that was if I wore a maternity shirt to try to accentuate my belly. And I imagine that the running every day helped her not to show... but the going back to work after 3 days?? That is a little bizarre to me. Then again, I don't have an important job- like being a governor. Ah well. The joys of politics. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for evoking all of the political discussion. It’s nice to hear everyone’s opinion.

P.S. – I’m loving your music. I was so happy to hear Thriller. :)

Anonymous said...

you're cracking me up with all the politics... considering... well you know... the fact that you really don't care about politics. Like me! :)

Anonymous said...

"How come the left feels empowered to embolden this vile rhetoric, abstract and vitriolic lawlessness, and outright fbrication all for the cause? What cause? S T U P I D."

Well, good thing that the right NEVER does that.
*rolling my eyes*

Anonymous said...

I have to make a comment on this story. Much seems to be amiss, and in the pictures its rather hard tell. But I do know, after having 14 pregnancies, that babies DO NOT come faster with each one. I have been in labor for my last 4 babies for over 30 hours. I could fly to California, spend the night, and back and still not deliver. Where do people get their information? Unfortunately when someone good, just and honest arrives on the political scene the "general" public want to destroy them.

Anonymous said...


Unclench my fists?? It's all about the love, baby...

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the comment, "someone good, just, and honest..." Did anyone know about Sarah Palin prior to her nomination and now because she is anti-abortion and gay marriage, has 5 children, and claims to be a hockey mom and PTA member she somehow becomes good, just and honest. I don't believe such a politician exists.

Every politician has an agenda and they want you as a lemming to buy into their agenda. For instance, if she did use her power to have someone fired does this then make here good and just? What about if the boy that is going to marry her daughter is really not a good and just guy; however, in order to further her career she will ask them to get married. How is that good or just? What about people applauding her for her ability to be vitriolic and sarcastic while doing this with a smile...is that the kind of person that is good and just and will always do things that are to my benefit? OR most often will she smile and then make sure her agenda is being promoted in spite of me.

On a side note - it does not matter to me that it is Palin - ALL politicians are this way...that is why the system is broken and we should not as believers just hop on a bandwagon because all republicans are good and just and have no outside motivations...I probably am just to cynical or jaded by the whole process, but I promise that she is not good, just, and honest or else she would not be a politician....