Friday, September 26, 2008


I know, I know....I can't get away from it.
I think it's a sign of being OLD when you become increasingly interested in politics and quote sources and articles from CNN on your blog. But I'd like to just keep telling myself that I'm not old, just more informed and socially conscious.
Regardless.....I find it alarming that this person could be the next VP (and likely POTUS) of the United States.
Go ahead and bring on the flaming, all you McCain supporters.....

Watch CBS Videos Online

And this one had steve and I laughing until we wet our pants last night.
Well, not really.
But it's funny whether you're a donkey or an elephant. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a serious concern. Which I hope the past several days Palin has undergone intensive interview preparation. She starts off good and then rambles, clearly nervous and unprepared. She needs NOT to hide from the public, she needs to prepare, speak MORE and get out there every day, until she proves she can get it right. I don't think McCain camp should look for someone else, either. I don't think she is the idiot she comes off as, but I'll be the first to say... What the crap was she/McCain group thinking? She really damaged the campaign not being prepared. Stupid is a stupid does. Get your crap together and get it right.