Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Handy TidBit for My Readers to Know

A toothbrush makes an excellent (yet, gentle!) facial exfoliator.

Last week I got a tiny sunburn and today my face was exhibiting some peeli-ness. Not full, all-out peeling, but a bit of flakiness. It looked less than stellar, and as I blew dry my hair I wondered what could possibly remove this skin. And then....my eye fell upon it - a lovely blue toothbrush sitting on the counter. So I gently tested it's soft bristles on the skin around my eyes and the bridge of my nose, and wah-lah! Instant exfoliation! And so much cheaper than a chemical peel.
(*whisper* Just don't tell that guy that I live with...I think it was his)

--->*insert evil laugh here* mwwuuahhhh haaahaahaahaa!<-----


Anonymous said...

Did you take that picture??? My dad could use that for advertising!!!!

I am amazed by your resourcefulness!

Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

And just what are you going to do ----- when that guy you live with starts picking unknown stuff out of his teeth??????? You'll have some splaning to do Lucy :-)

Anonymous said...

you have to kiss that mouth, you know.


never seen an evil laugh in print before, but that was just about right....

Anonymous said...

confession: it wasn't his CURRENT toothbrush of choice. It was his old one, that I found in the drawer. The one he normally uses was still on the sink.

In a puddle of water and spit.

Right next to the toothpaste loogies stuck inside the bowl of the sink.

Anonymous said...

You soooo eeeeeevil *widegrin*
