Sunday, August 6, 2006


I'm procrastinating on some stuff that I should be I thought I'd post some pics I took of the boys about....oh....5 minutes ago. :) They just came inside from swimming with daddy and now all three of them are plopped in front of the tv watching Little Einsteins. I'm waiting for them all to fall asleep. :)

Here's Owen....

And of course...lest we forget, A.J. (I added a film-grain action to this one, just for the heck of it).


Anonymous said...

hey, tammi;

i was out of town for the crocs discussion, but i will say that, yes, something will stick to the underneath of them...gum...and then everything else sticks to the gum. As we discovered a few weeks ago, however, cow poop just washes right off. ")

As for the discussion at hand, I think I remember the originally coke had cocaine in it, hence the name, coke...but that could be an urban legend. anyway, if it's not, maybe they found a substitute for cocaine, just like methadone is a substitute for heroine...and it's legal. who knows? I hate the diet stuff; I like citrus pops (sodas, whatever),but they are worse for your teeth than any other pop. We went "cold turkey" off pop awhile back and it was not easy, but now it all just tastes like chemicals...imagine that!

Anonymous said...

amy-I read up on diet coke and some of the stuff that's in's scary. we don't do soda either. unless we're eating pizza or tacos or something equally cancer-causing. :)

Got a new address yet?? I need to send you some pics...

Anonymous said...

hey tammi, we like that you choose certain topics to discuss that we know a little bit about.Kyle actually had to write a research paper on an inventor and he chose the guy who made coke (but I can't remember his name ) kyle still has a poster of the info in his room. Amy is right it originally was made with cocaine, used as a pain killer,which still today is used somewhat since my Dr. told me to drink 8oz. of coke very quickly when my migraines come on to help dilate the blood vessels in my head and lessen the pain. (just a little more useless knowledge from the spees family in illinois. :)

luv ya, megan

Anonymous said...

whoa. that's scary.

Anonymous said...

To heck with talking about coke --
I'd rather talk about my grandsons!
O's eyes could bore a hole thru you and AJ certainly looks like an "AJ in the box" --- probably jumps like the original Jack in the Box! Anywho LOVE the pics!!!!