Friday, August 11, 2006

Steve-O's New Look

After months of letting his hair go long, in anticipation of school starting this week (ok, he actually HAD to in order to be in compliance with school dress code) , he went to the salon and had it all chopped off.

AND, here's the big change, in cas e you didn't notice --after having a goatee for...lemme think.....about 8 or 9 YEARS, he shaved it off too. What a change, huh?!? He decided to leave a little hair (at my suggestion) under his lip. At first, I couldn't get used to it....(seemed weird to kiss a hairless lip) and it just looks so BARE...but now I'm getting used to it and I think I like it. Whatcha think??
I took these right before he went to a work thing last night and he was pretty embarassed. I only got 3 shots in before he gave me this ---->

I still think he's cute, though. :)

P.S. Do these photos look dark to you?? I'm having some major monitor callibration issues. Tell me if they seem dark.


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS - WHO IS THIS GUY!!!! I don't know what to think since I have seen Stephen with a goat for so long!!!! Course he is still so cute/handsome, he takes after his mom :-)
Did he shave the goat because of school regs, or just decide to do it! Looking good! I don't even have to sign this - cause you will know who it is, cause I am the only one who still calls him Stephen!

Anonymous said...

Is he going for the Robb Bell look? (mini goatee)

Anonymous said...

yeah, i think the pics look a little dark; was it cloudy outside?
like the previous butt shots also--little butts are always so cute, and then we get older and, well...
no butt shots of Steve jumping on the bed w/Owen and AJ, come on--we all know he jumps on the bed w/'em, right?