Alright, tomorrow I'm leaving town at 5 am to drive to Tallahassee FL for a volleyball tournament, so I won't be in blogging land for a few days seeing as how I will be going to bed at 8pm tonight and when I get back on Sunday I'll no doubt be crabby and tired again and will need to retire by 7 pm. I think that was the longest sentence ever.
ANYWAY, how about a roll call? Some introductions? Some de-lurking? I posted Roll Call Part One back in Sept. and I'm feeling like doing it again. Who's out there? Who reads my blog? Who lurks around and never comments? Who hates my guts and reads my blog anyway? Who worships the keyboard I type on and is secretly cyber-stalking me? Who thinks I'm an idiot but can't stay away from the pictures of my adorable children? Let it spill...reveal yourself to us, tell us your name, how you found the blog, your uncle's middle name, the daily toilet habits of your dog, the kid that sat next to you in first grade, whatever. We want to hear from you!
I'll go first.
Hello. My name is Tammi and this is my blog. I have two beautiful boys - Owen and AJ, and a hottie hubby Steve-O. I talk about everything on this blog, from tampon crafts to wieners to volleyball to politics and religion (although I typically try to stay away from the last two). I share in boring detail my health experiences, travel experiences, photography experiences, chasing after two crazy boys and daily life.
I'm a photographer. And I finally feel comfortable saying that out loud and not feeling like a total fraud. I coach volleyball, I like beer and hot wings but I also like green tea and sushi. Oh yeah, and I just recently found out that I'm knocked up. That's about it.
Your turn.
My name is Amy Lynn and yes I am a stalker. I am pretty much obsessed with your blogs, so much so that I forget to update my own. I am a teacher and I have recently found out that I am knocked up as well.
The end. We should be friends
Hi, my name is Daniel. Steve told me about this blog, but it took me forever to spell the URL correctly. So, I usually just click the link on my blog,
My uncle's middle name was David. I don't remember who sat beside me in 1st grade, but the girl who sat behind me was named Kristin.
Just so you know, I'm the one who knocked her up. --not Tammi --and not Kristine. I knocked up Amy Ly...
You know what? Never mind; just forget it!
I dont really think I need to tell you that I read your blogs... Its just understood. Because we are just that tight... we know.
I'm here...I'm here....
I'm Vanessa, 1/3 church planter, 1/3 ebay seller, 1/3 tv junkie....except for February and March which is my busy season, when I am 7/8th ebay seller, and 1/8 zombie...unable to make interesting comments despite all my efforts, but reading nonetheless.
My name is Amy, but since there are so many Amy's who are friends of Tammi, I am known as Amy Potts on your site.
I am an interior designer, (shameless website promotion)my hottie husband John is a photographer/videographer media expert extraordinaire:
I am not nearly as good at regular blogging, but it does happen once in a while.
I too am in the knocked up club. Must be something in the water...
and of course, Tam, I am obsessed with your life and times- how else can I keep up with you from Michigan?
Hello my name is Danny everywhere online, so we will just keep it at that. I found your blog when I clicked on Amy lynn's link to it. I am torn between stalking you and poisoning your apple. Tough decision. I am a college student studying for my Computer Science degree. I also try to keep my blog updated, feel free to stop by and say hey, all are welcome. I talk about everything from politics, religion to my problems, writings, opinions, and such. I am 95% sure I am not knocked up...oh and I also give out my amazing movie expertise for free on my other blog. :)
Hello. My name is Melissa. I lurk around, only commenting occasionally. I found your blog through a chain of sites, starting with the myspace mpba page. I am Tony's wife of 3 1/2 years. I am a SAHM to two beautiful girls--Reagan and Loralei. I am not knocked up, and don't plan to be until Reagan is in K4. I rant and rave on my myspace blog, It's my source for adult conversation since I am at home with a 2yo and a newborn.
Hi! I'm Amber. I found your blog through Ness. I'm in love with your photography skills and hope to learn something by seeing your work. I'm not in the knocked up club yet, but enjoy hearing your hilarious stories about the whole experience. I've got too many uncles to name them all, and I don't have a clue who I sat by in first grade.
I mostly just read your blog, but I'll try to start commenting on them occasionally. :)
Hey...It's Casey...
Tammi actually devoted a blog to me once upon a read that & you will know all about me!
and you can...but may not be particularly interested my blog @
Hi, I'm the wise libero. Tammi is my volleyball coach, who taught me everything I know about hitting. She constantly reminds me about my physical shortcomings. Tammi's husband is my speech class teacher. I heard about the blog from Amy A. I was not as lucky as Casey to have an entire blog written about me, but I am the catcher that Tammi mentioned in a blog a long time ago. Oh, my biggest character flaw is that I am a perfectionist.
Im Sarrah Holden. I come from a broken home. I have no clue who I sat by in first grade. My Uncles middle name is Marvin.
I'm currently attending Albany State University which is an HBCU. I play volleyball over there...and yes I am the only white girl on the team.
I'm currently not knocked up...and im not planning on getting that way until after marriage...way after marriage.
I read your blogs. I dont worship the keyboard upon which you type. I love the pictures of your kids. there so cute! I have no clue how i found this blog thing..having fun with it though. I date Ryan...
haha el fin...long comment..
amy lynn- let's start a club. Knocked Up and Counting Down to D-Day
Daniel-thanks for clearing that up. sort of.
KT- yup.
Ness- if you happen to stumble across anymore $3 Nantucket maps, could you please just pick it up for me and send it my way? Thanks.
Amy Potts- you can join the club too. Unless you're one of those preggo chicks who has a smooth and easy pregnancy and talks about how you feel like you're "glowing". Then we'll make an I-Hate-Knocked-Up-Girls-Like-Amy-Potts-Club.
Danny/Wesley- Hey, I like apples.
Melissa - glad you found me. It's fun to find people from jr. high and see what they're up to. I have a few choice diary entries from 1992 that would make you laugh. :)
Amber - Welcome!
Casey - nice...shameless blog promoter. :)
TWL- physical shortcomings? You have none.
Except for that ugly footwork in your attack approach, but let's keep working on that arm swing. We can work with that. :)
Sarrah - who says white girls can't jump??
Well, actually....YOU can't. But you CAN set, and that's just as good. :)
I am Mom N --Stephen's (aka Steve or Steve-O) proud mother. My name is Sue. I am also the proud grandmother of the two boys who live to drive their mother crazy and wake up with ideas of what they will get into during the day!
I definately am not knocked up - my favorite Uncle's name is Junior, and I believe I sat next to a girl named Annie in the 1st grade.
I love the blog - because it keeps me up to date with pictures of my beautiful grandsons!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it !!!!
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