Monday, September 10, 2007


AJ has been up until almost 11:30 for the past 2 nights, thanks to a marathon family nap on Sunday afternoon that has permanently jacked up the boys' schedule. Nap during day, stay up late at night, drive mom and dad crazy, end of story.

We got Owen back in the swing of things, but AJ is up bouncing around tonight about 9:30 p.m. and we're settling in to watch Season 3 of House on Dvd. I don't consider forceful human vomiting or emergency colon surgery something that I care for our 3 year old to see on t.v., so we tell AJ to scoot off to his room so we can watch some of our movie.

"casey, wiw you pway wif me?" AJ asks of Casey.
"No, I'm going to watch the movie" he replies.
Being smartest mom ever, I suggest the most intelligent of ideas: "AJ, why don't you take Cooper to your room and he'll play with you?"
"OH! OK mama! C'Mon Cooper, wet's go pway C'mon cooper!"
After much cajoling, Cooper (reluctantly follows).

Steve-o starts up the movie, we get comfortable....and not 2 minutes later, AJ walks out. Steve smartly pauses the scene where the greasy teenager begins to have a grand maul seizure.
"Whatcha doin'?" I ask.
"Cooper's no wanna pway" he says, but then he catches sight of Nala (the cat) on the back of the sofa.
"Maybe Nala's wanna pway wif me!!?"
"yeah, ok. grab her."
He grabs Nala in a death grip around her belly and drags her to his room and shuts the door.
Not 2 minutes later, he's back....

"Doggies no pway, kitties no wanna pway mama. PEOPLES play" he says, waving his hands emphatically. "YOU wanna pway wif me mama?? PUH--leeasse??

Who could say no to that?


Anonymous said...

I am SO glad that I was there for this one...
It was A-Dorable!

Anonymous said...

Poor kid...livin' in a world of couch potatoes! :0)

We should get he and Zac together to entertain each other until 2 in the morning.

qiswfee:baby talk for "I'm gonna kiss your little feet."