Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Good Deed Tuesday 3/11/08

Good Deed Tuesday
...because People Who Don't Do Good Deeds Suck.

Time is ticking away for this week's Good Deed Tuesday and.....I'm stuck. I haven't left the house yet today and I'm scrambling for an idea for a good deed. Any suggestions anyone? I DID help the neighbor pry open a window because she locked herself out of her house when she was getting the mail....even tossed one of my kids into the open windo to go unlock the door - but I don't think that counts as my good deed because it wasn't planned...or intentional.

Anyway....I'm still thinking.
So if you've done yours, post it here and I'll come back later and post mine.
Unless I'm mired in shame from a deedless Tuesday, and then I'll be wallowing in despair in my bed.
FYI...Cassie did a great deed last week and posted about it in last weeks comments section in this post HERE, so if you're in the Albany area and looking for an idea, she had a good one.


**^~~..*** UPDATE ***..~~^**
Took the boys out to the baseball game at SCA. Stopped at Sonic to get them ice cream on the way. Paid for us AND the lady behind us. She was surprised, not understanding...looked towards our car - I just smiled into the rear view mirror and drove away. Not as good as the wise libero's (read the comments), but at least I did one. :)


Anonymous said...

"The Creepy Old Man" (this is for Lisa)

An old man moved into the apartment across from mine (sort of). He for some reason always gives me the creeps. I always wave at him on my way out of the door as he looks out of his window. Well, today I made him cookies and sat and talked with him for about an hour. He's really nice, from Australia (but was born in Argentina), really smart, and somewhat lonely. When I went to leave, he thanked me for coming by, gave my some chocolates, and asked me to come back again when I have some time to spare. I plan to go back very soon. :)

P.S. - He still gives me the creeps

Anonymous said...

Erica - you rock! That's an awesome good deed!
When we lived in FL, our neighbor across the street was this toothless 197 year old man who would shuffle around his house and ride his lawnmower while smoking cigarettes. Our 1st Christmas there we made him some cookies and put a copy of our Christmas card on top and took it over to him and it made his day. His name was Pops and we all grew to love him and bring him meals on occasion. He was just a lonely old man.
That's a great deed that you did! Those are the kind of deeds that actually require investing in someone else's life and sacrificing of yourself (time, comfort) - you win the prize. If there was one.

***clapping for the wise libero**

Anonymous said...

ERICA... mad props... you rock!!!
Tammi... I'm rolling as I picture someone who is nearly 200 years old riding a lawnmower... who could still eat!!!

My Good Deed:
I have for a long time wanted to give blood @ a blood drive or @ the Red Cross... but I have always been SUPER DEE DUPER afraid... for some unknown reason... so anyway, the Red Cross was @ Darton yesterday doing a blood drive & I mentioned that I had wanted to... but was too afraid to give blood. Well a co-worker of mine was like... "Come on, Let's go"... So I did it!!! It was so cool!
SO, for mine & Tammi's birthdays (May 4th & 7th)... We're going to give blood & I want all of my friends to do the same with us!

Anonymous said...


So, I thought when Tams started this whole Good Deed Tuesday it was a good idea but would it really last?

Soooo, it's obviously lasted and last night I started breaking out in cold sweats thinking, "OMG tomorrow is Good Deed Tuesday and I haven't thought of anything to do...again!

To get Tams off my case (albeit her blog), I decided last night to cook all of my kids teachers a meal for their families. But, because I'm not a morning person, I'll be cooking over the hot stove tonight and bringing in the food tomorrow. I'm making Chicken Spaghetti which makes a buttload, actually a BIG buttload, of food and I'll just divide it between five teachers. I'm only human, so only my two middle schooler's homeroom teachers are getting dinner tomorrow night.

So there, Tams, I did my required Tuesday Good Deed and I do feel...AWESOME! Thanks for forcing me out of my comfort zone. Between you, my hubby and the Lord working on my comfort zones lately, I 'll have none left by the end of the year.

I'm already planning for next week--ready made flower gardens, anyone?

Love you Tams. You ROCK (and sometimes) suck at the same time. :0)

Anonymous said...

Off subject...

Did you write the code for your banner, or download and then tweak it? If the latter, did you buy it or was it free?

I want a cool banner that, well, is me...but I want it for free. I can tweak one to fit my desires but I need a good base from which to start. I've browsed for hours and when I do find one, it usually isn't compatible w/blogger. Fess up, where'd you get yours?

Anonymous said...

Good idea Casey...I'm all about giving blood.
Amy - glad to see you finally jumping on board with the cool kids. :) Dinner for five families??! Overachiever. :) LOL
As for my blog banner, I try to make one for every month - I just do it myself in photoshop. I can't remember the specific size it has to be, but it's pretty easy if you have any kind of photo editing software (photoshop, paintshop pro, etc). Email me if you want more detailed instructions or if you have a picture you want to use I could try to make one for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm behind on my good deed blogging for last week, but in a nutshell I went to a charity dinner last Tuesday. The Spanish students at school sponsered the event, they raised money for a college student from Union University, who lost all her personal belonings in a recent tornado. The student is a daughter of missionary parents stationed in Honduaras. The dinner was creative, classy and yummy! The students raised over $1000 for someone they will never meet. I was really impressed with the students efforts and glad I was able to tag along.

Anonymous said...

Oh yea... I don't think we can "bank" good deeds for the following week, it probably defeats the purpose,but today (Saturday)I helped paint a co-workers house. And let's just say I cannot lift my arms above my head....and tieing shoes is not an option right now.