Saturday, March 22, 2008

Owen's Nimnastics

After we signed up AJ for soccer, we were trying to figure out something for Owen to do recreationally as well. We mutually landed on Gymnastics, and this past Thursday marked O's second time going. Initially, I was a little worried about how he would do, as he has trouble sometimes processing directions and following instructions as other kids do, but he has done GREAT. I've been so proud of him the past 2 weeks as I watched him from the balcony listen carefully to his instructor and learn to do the things she teaches. Owen asks all week when he can go to "nimnastics". AJ likes to come as well and watches with us from the balcony with a mild envy. Owen has done so well, that if he wants to do it again when this session is over we'll probably let him do it again. And AJ too, when soccer is over. AJ especially likes watching a group of elementary aged boys do their class while Owen does his. I'm glad that there is an entire class of boys for MY boys to see that "nimnastics" is not just for girls.

They usually warm up on the trampoline a little to get the wiggles out...Owen says the trampoline is his favorite.

Last Thursday they worked on forward and backward tumbles on this triangle-shaped wedge. Owen had some trouble coordinating the backward roll, but the forward roll he did just fine.
Owen says that rolling is his favorite.

Like I said, I've been SO surprised at how well he listens and how patiently he waits his turn. On his first week, one of the other mothers observed and commented to me how well he listens and the first thing that popped out of my mouth was - "I know! I can't believe it!"
Oops. I mean, thank you.

Proper form...keep it tight baby.

He is the BEST at this dismount pose thing that they do. Look how tight his form is (says mother with abnormal amount of pride)

This is where the real work begins. If 5 year olds can do real work. AFTER they do crunches (yes, crunches - to tighten up their core and prepare them to be future gymnasts, I guess), they go to the bar. No chalk on their hands yet, I guess that's for the 6 year olds.
They practice what they'll do on the bar with the mat under them first...
And then they move off the mat. He grabs the bar, does a chin up. Then the instructor helps him flip under the bar, and then he has to hold himself up above the bar, like so:
And then, the dismount!

Perfect! Almost.
Owen says the bar is his favorite.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Owen!

Anonymous said...

I love it... I can't wait to go this week & watch him!
I still think violin will be his FAVORITE!!!

Anonymous said...

p.s. his name is Henri Matisse you know... like "ahnri" it sounds so French that way... and a little more "dahling... come let me paint for you"... or something like that!

Anonymous said...

I wanna come too.

Anonymous said...

Did I ever tell you that I used to teach gymnsatics when I was in high school/early college years? And the kids Owen's age were my very favorite to teach! I'm glad he's having fun! The trampoline, rolling, and the bars were my favorite, too, Owen!
