Tuesday, April 1, 2008

GDT 4/1/08

Good Deed Tuesday
...because all the cool kids are doin' it.

Got your good deed ready?? Mine is (hooray for preparation!) and I'll be executing later today. Put yours in the comments section, or heck - post it on your own blog. And if you don't have a blog, get one. Because that's what all the cool kids do, and you wanna be cool, doncha? DONCHA??


I need to try and start doing my deeds in the morning so that i can post the pictures and write about them in a timely manner. Namely, BEFORE GDT is over!

About a month ago, we had some new neighbors move in across the cul-de-sac so while I was at Lowe's the other day I picked up this potted "themed" plant to give to them. It has a tomato plant, a pepper plant, basil, and oregano all in this one handy pot. All they have to do is replant it (if they want to) in the backyard. I might be buying another one of these to magically appear in our garden, if our plants don't grow. :)

Did you guys do one??

"So shines a good deed in a weary world"
-Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice)


Anonymous said...

Does a "beat down for hire" on some idiot parents count as a good deed? It would put me out a little money which would put me out of my comfort zone.

Please say yes b/c I really need to do this. :0)

Anonymous said...


Beat down for hire??

whatever floats your boat. As long as I'm not the one getting a beat down.

Anonymous said...

hey; what's the price?!! drugstores, schools, I'm always ready to roll

Anonymous said...

Not I! I still have a bruise from last Tuesday! And I have a paper due and I have to work tomorrow...so I'm out. Chastise me later. For details about last week's adventure, ask E.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes....truth be told, I do want to be one of the cool kids. Your blog has inspired me on so many levels, and I so want to have my own blog. However, it's the same old adage, "What would I talk about?" lol

However, I did try Plan B some months back. I created a private family web site for my two brothers and I to share photos, news, etc. since one is living a couple thousand miles away. Figured it would be a way for my niece to get to know her family here. (Now if I could only get them to participate more.) Does that count as a good deed? ;o)

Anonymous said...

My good deed was not giving a dirty look to, not smart-mouthing back to, or hitting the creepy old man when he basically told me I was ugly. He told me that softball had disfigured my body and that some people might think that I am ugly as a result. I was like great, thanks for letting me know. Then, the next thing I know he's asking me when I am going to sit down and talk with him this week. I told him I wasn't sure yet, but that I would definitely stop by. (In the back of my head I was thinking “umm, NO!”)

Surely, no good deed goes unpunished. :)

Anonymous said...

I showed up at work today. Miracle really!!

Anonymous said...

I drop off a soda to a buddy at work. Not creative, but it was hot.

Anonymous said...

Lisa - I thought you said you dropped off a SOFA to a buddy at work and I was about to be really impressed.
Soda...not so much. :) But it was still a nice gesture.