Strange but true:
Every time I go to the bathroom, I count how long I pee for.
Longest time ever? 1997 -Senior Prom - 64 seconds.
I just had a relatively long pee (41 seconds) so that made me think of it.
And I just wanted you to know. Just in case you can't be friends with someone who counts the length of her urination.
You win...You are the 1st person I have ever heard that has a bladder evacuation timer
That's random. What made you think to do that?
Yep. That's weird.
What were you DRINKING at senior prom?
Can we say OCD?
Can we say OCD?
Friends heck....being related to someone that counts seconds is even worse. I can't disown you from being my niece. ;) Course there are things that I count or do or think that would make everyone stay 50 yards away from me but I am not announcing them to the world. I prefer keeping everyone guessing. ;)
Wow, thats not disturbing =]
The prom one is crazy though. I can't believe you remember that. Although I can relate to that. lol
girl how do you remember how long your pee was 11 years ago?? you make me laugh :)
never heard of anyone doing that before.
No comment....friend.
Okay at first I agreed with everyone else but now that I've read the blog I have found myself counting too. I can't imagine how you can go so long though, you must have one tough bladder. My max has been about 7 seconds.
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