Friday, May 9, 2008

For Dano

She's in the back row on the end.
She did great.


Anonymous said...

They look so great!!!
I hate I missed it...
p.s. that's MY choreography!!! :)

Also, just fyi... what you did... this videotaping is illegal... but shhhh... I won't tell anyone!

Anonymous said...

Illegal? What're you talking about?
Nothing in the program about it and nothing was said.
No disclaimer or legal statement=legal.

Anonymous said...

That was nice of you to blog that video of our SupaOmmpaLumpa! Thanks! I love it!

P.S. I'll bring you a cake in jail. I guess I better ditch the bootleg copies I was going to sell on ebay.

Anonymous said...

love you for this....thanks!!!