It's the first week of summer vacation for the boys.
No preschool.
No YMCA activities (for now).
Kids all up at 7am.
Kids don't go to bed until 7:30 p.m.
12.5 hours of non-stop preschool boys and 10 month old baby that derives great pleasure from hanging off my body for 8 hours a day.
Every day.
For the last 6 days.
BOYS. Did I mention the fact that they are mildly animalistic BOYS?? Because that makes a difference you know.
I'm feeling a little mental.
If you catch me making potholders and numbly spooning Tapioca, then call someone. Because I will officially have GONE CRAZY.
Wait a minute!!!! And who was this woman who said "OH, I would just love to have all boys" --- I believe that would be YOU!!!! Sometimes you gotta watch what you pray for :-) Have a fun summer :-)
Want me to drop off some Oreos? LOL have preschoolers and babies again...I hate to break it to you but your just getting started. you know the things your mother warns you about the teenage years...IT REALLY IT TRUE THEY AREN'T MAKING THAT UP : (
I would trade you for a week or two I will change diapers, feed and play with preschoolers if you would be willing to carpool to soccer, dance, acrobats, basketball the YMCA ,swimming , check their cell phones to see who is calling, check their email to see who is sending and receiving, listen to downloaded songs on IPODS to check for any vulgar songs ( they were safe this eweek), wonder who they are going to the dance with next week, ponder who they are inquiring about ( the opposite sex), and more important WHO is pondering about them,and the biggest obstacle this week is whether to buyscented or unscented pads for EM and sign off her quiz from sex education class ...AND THAT'S JUST ONE WEEK IN THE SPEES FAMILY LIFE OF TEENAGERS.....ENJOY HTE CHAOS OF PRESCHOOLERS FOR TOMORROW THEY HAVE ATTITUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!
MomN- I did want boys. And I still DO want boys. I would a thousand times over rather have 3 boys than 3 girls.
E - yes, oreos shall be lovely. :)
Megan - I don't dread the teenage years. I think that the preschool years are infinitely harder. To have 3 people that are so needy...ALL. OF. THE. TIME. sounds harder to me than self-sufficient teenagers in need of guidance and moral compass. I'm confident enough in our parenting that I think the teen years will be's getting through these little boy years that are going to kill me in the end.
I do not envy you at all. I go crazy after 5 days in a row of being at home with my ONE AND ONLY 8 month old. But to have 2 preschoolers and a baby... yike! I am probably going to need to borrow your straight jacket in a couple of years. *sigh*
don't go crazy...
I'll be back tomorrow & I'll need some serious Nowack time...
I'm exhausted over here... I'm ready to be back to my boring life!!!
Bring 'em all to the pool!!!
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