Saturday, May 24, 2008

Music...Love it or Hate it?

I added a music player to the blog...whaddya think??

I have a rather eclectic taste in music (as long as it's not country, I dig it) - Indie, pop, (some) rap, rock, r&b, oldschool, newschool....I like a lot so I think a little bit of that is reflected here. If you don't like it, skip to another song or turn it off.

How 'bout some polls?


Anonymous said...

Overall I am pretty pleased with your music player. :)

Not a huge fan of the song Kaboom... but I do love Here Comes the Sun (that will be continuously played when I come to your page). And ever since I visited Ava's page a while back, I cant listen to that song without tearing up.

Anonymous said...

My suspicions are confirmed... you're weird! Who doesn't like a little Hank Williams Jr. every now and then?!?! :)

Your saving grace was Garbage at the end. Great Song!

Anonymous said...

By the way, will the blog cease to be private after Wednesday? I hoe so, then I can subscribe with my reader and not have to check 100 times a day to see if you've updated!!

Anonymous said...

ok, who voted on the poll that my music sucked?? Because while I DID post up a poll, and there WAS an option to choose that they ACTUALLY vote that they suck....well, hmph.

I do have a plethora of more music...what's your poison? Madonna? Sinatra? Coltrane? U2?


***I'm brooding**