Sunday, May 18, 2008

Prince Caspian: Be Still My Heart

Steve-o and I went out last night and saw Prince Caspian and it was Sooooo good. I kindof LOVE the Chronicles of Narnia and the subsequent movies - they're probably some of my favorite movies of all time. The spiritual imagery is amazing and the character of Aslan is such an awesome allegory for God that it leaves me thinking about it for days after.

Loved it.
Go see it. :)


Anonymous said...

I am not a huge fan of the bad child acting in the first one... but I was going to give Prince Caspian a shot. Unfortunately they don't have a showing after 8:30 (which is the time we are putting Z to bed), so it makes it kind of difficult for us to go see it.

ALL THAT TO SAY, I am glad to hear you liked it. I hope to see it soon.

The End

Anonymous said...

We opted for the carnal - What Happens in Vegas.

It was a good movie for a Friday night. The comedy was very witty, Ashton plays a great idiot, as usual. It had a good moral though not up there with Prince Caspian.

My kids are dying to see Prince Caspian and several classes are getting together after the last day of school - Thursday - to go see it so they've all been peckin' me like a bunch of little chickens all weekend..."Mom, can I go see it with so-and-so, pleeease."

I LOVED Aslan, as well,and the relationship he has with CHILDREN. I think the imagery is especially great for all of us generations of visual-minded and for those of us who were not led into a relational Christianity, but rather a sort of O.T. law-based Christianity.

The power and fierocity of Aslan, balanced with his grace and mercy is just what I want my kids to see and trying to teach them both of those attributes of God and the importance of BOTH of those, is a daunting task in just 13 years. Anna's turning 14 this year. Ahhh!

Off to clean the kitchen. Good day!

Anonymous said...

Robby is so jonesing to see this movie... he finished the book about 2 weeks ago (our rule, read book before you see the movie) and so I have to carve out some time this weekend to make it happen... glad to here it was good...