Monday, May 19, 2008

Summer Dream'n

I've been thinking a lot about this summer and potential plans. Since I won't be coaching volleyball this fall (for the first time in about 5 years! **sob**) I'll have more time on my hands and since Steve-o won't have to be doing 18 different jobs at SCA, he'll also have more time on HIS time will be at a premium this summer - yay! :)

The boys are already asking when we can go to the "quarium" and "the city" and "gramma's house" and "da beach" and although I'm getting tired of answering their endless questions, I can't help but wonder too.

Here's the stuff I want to do this summer:
1. Go to the beach. A Lot.
2. Visit the Atlanta Aquarium (never been there!)
3. Fly up to Michigan in July to meet my new niece.
4. Relax with my family and get a great tan. :)

What do you have planned for the summer??


Anonymous said...

I want to go to the beach every weekend. Unfortunately that gets pricey due to freaking high gas prices. So we wont be able to dot that. We do have an annual Titus Family Trip scheduled for August though... but thats sooo far away!

I will also be working on my tan, hopefully at my aunts pool. Considering my skin tone, it will be much more difficult to achieve than the regular person's tan.

Anonymous said...

Need to know about the Atlanta Aquarium - ask O and A -- they have been there :-)

Anonymous said...

Tammi & AL - you are welcome to use our pool anytime you like! We're out there just about every day. We even have a baby pool or a float that's perfect for the little guys!

A trip to the Atlanta Aquarium is high on my list too. I'm afraid it may have to wait until Fall Break though. Between a mission trip to Peru, a family wedding in Vegas, a babysitting job for Cass, a couple of camps for Riley, and a MANDATORY beach weekend (at least), I don't see how to fit it in!! I LOVE SUMMER!


Anonymous said...

I wish my summer was an endless array of time & opportunities... unfortunately it's pretty much planned for me... every weekend in fact by my overly-busy & overly-travely family!!! But it's ok... I love hanging out with them...
oh yeah & then I'm MOVING... which makes me a little sad... and a LOT excited!

Anonymous said...

I was not impressed w/the GA Aquarium...for the price.

It has nothing to do with the "gum incident". :0]

Nashville is supposed to have a good one - I'll let you know how they compare.

The opinions expressed here are my own but Zac seemed somewhat bored. I don't know, maybe cause he was with me.

Anonymous said...

wow i wish i had a summer off! working sucks!! but we have to pay our bills and get my husband through school :) so hopefully a few years from now i can dream about what i will be doing for my summer.
oh and to the comment from amy about the aquarium in nashville, i don't know as if there is one, i live there. you might be talking about chattanooga they do have a good one and a very fun downtown!!

Anonymous said...

I would do anything to have just one day of free time. We will be busy with soccer, 50 baseball games in the state of Illinois and hopefully some boating with our friends. also 40 plus hours of work for each of us and keeping up on the houssework and yardwork and g & g Nowack are coming for a visit in June and hope to visit family in Southern Illinois before the kids go back to school. Oh and as for the vacation......we just got back last week from a vacation in Florida IT WAS WONDERFUL>>WE ARE READY TO GO BACK.....NOW! we went to Disney and Daytona. although we thought we might have to sell a kidney to get us back home.Just kidding but my how $5,000 and time flies when you are having FUN. Wouldn't have traded the experience for the world. : - )

Anonymous said...

I couldn't remember if it was Nashville or Chatanooga.

Thank you, Emily.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from CO and loved it... so are you coming in July or not? Still have some Delta $$$ leftover for you to use... didn't get any extra this trip as they got us to CO and back with no problems... but I have 3 trips in June for them (or someother airline) to screw up...