Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is Too Fun....

Check out my Meez, a fun little avatar that I made up of myself (thank to Casey, who showed it to me - check his blog out to see his little buddha-belly yoga-ing self).....

You choose body type (believe it or not, my Meez is plus sized), hair color, eye color, clothes, accessories, etc and you've got yourself a fun little animated version of yourself. Try it! It's fun!
Meez 3D avatar avatars games


Anonymous said...

I cannot do those things. I tried one night and was so overwhelmed by all the choices because I wanted to invent a new me, that was still me.

Make any sense?

I spent like four hours "making" myself and then decided to forget the whole thing after I decided it was another computer *thingy* to which I was becoming addicted.

Anonymous said...

Where's the nose-ring/stud... whatever you call that sparkly thing in your nose?

Anonymous said...

amy - I understand...I was just happy that this is what the "plus-sized Penny" body type looks like. Hey, plus size looks great! You should see the "normal" sized one. :)

clint - they didn't have nose piercings...only scary body jewelry like spike studs in the lips and medusa piercings and then the standard belly button jewelry.
Where's yours? I wanna see it on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Not your piercing. Your Meez that is.