Saturday, August 16, 2008

That Face Looks Familiar

Today was the volleyball river party and of course I took my camera. Last time, there were some different members of the volley-family there, and this time...some new faces.

Here's Maggie on the tube today.....

And as she was holding on for dear life and grinning like a crazy leprechaun, and shouting out "Oh crap!" as she bounced over the waves.....I couldn't help but think that she looked an awful lot like her dad when he was doing the same thing just 2 short years ago.

don't you think so? LOL


Anonymous said...

You are my favorite friend. Thanks for the family shout out. They look exactly the same!

Anonymous said...

what can I say...oh, you're my only friend...I don't have enuf to play favorites!!!LMAO....

There is a striking similarity though doncha think...Rock on O'Connor volleychicks

Anonymous said...

wow... that's hilarious!

I miss tubing... we need to have a river day!