Going out on a limb here... so you don't care much for Palin, huh?What is it really? Seems to go beyond political preferences and into the she-just-irks-me realm.
(Though I thought she did well controlling the debate for the first 45 minutes) this chart is FREAKING hilarious.
A bit more complex than Biden's plan: make goofy smile and look to whoever it was that was sitting to the right of him (that he kept looking at--who was it? I couldn't see.).
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Going out on a limb here... so you don't care much for Palin, huh?
What is it really? Seems to go beyond political preferences and into the she-just-irks-me realm.
(Though I thought she did well controlling the debate for the first 45 minutes) this chart is FREAKING hilarious.
A bit more complex than Biden's plan: make goofy smile and look to whoever it was that was sitting to the right of him (that he kept looking at--who was it? I couldn't see.).
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