Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tagged By Ness

Ness over at Happiness Is A Butterfly tagged me with the task of sharing 7 random facts about me, a task that is harder than it seems because I feel like I've shared just about everything with bloggerland.
I mean, you already know that I count how long I pee for, and that I always wanted an outie bellybutton, and how I save eggshells for my nonexistent compost pile, and how I have a thing for birds (okay, I guess I've told you about a few different things with birds) and roadkill.
What else is there??

Hmmm.....let's see.

1. I have terrible luck with checkout lines. I'm not kidding or exaggerating. Ask anyone who's been in store with me - I've actually thought about blogging about my CheckOut Line Curse but haven't got around to it. 99.9% of the time, I will choose a line (short or long, doesn't matter) and one or all of the following will occur:
I will
a) end up behind the person who is paying for their entire purchase in nickels and pennies
b) get the cashier-in-training who has to ask me "is that a cantelope or a honeydew melon" and proceed to flip through her produce manual page by agonizing page looking for the correct code.
c) be behind the elderly person who is paying by check.
And it takes her 7 minutes to write the check.
And then she writes it for the wrong amount and has to start over.
d) Unknowingly get behind the person in the self-checkout lane who apparently has no freaking clue how to actually USE the self-checkout lane.
e) any combination of, or all of the above.

2. I've had quite a few run-ins with broken fingers. From my middle school year through college alone I had 6 broken fingers.
4 of them (all 4 fingers on left hand) rollerblading
1 (pinky finger-right hand) playing beach volleyball
1 (pinky finger-left hand) playing volleyball in college intramurals (or goofing off with friends, I can't remember).
The last one I didn't think I actually broke it - I thought it was just a bad jam so I ignored it for about a week. When it was still hurting after several days I went to the college medical building and they suggested I go see doctor. It was broken all right, but since I hadn't done anything to it, it had already started to heal and is still bent to this day (I can't fully straighten it).

3. The only time I've ever punched anyone (with malice) was in 1st grade recess when Brent Bolerjack said girls couldn't play kickball. I showed him a thing or two about what girls could and couldn't do.

4. I say the following phrase at least 10 times a day: "Tyler! No climbing" or "Tyler! Get down from there!"
I also say the following in abundance:
"You rock"
"Owen, please stop"
"Great idea!"
"I love you"
"I'm gonna get you"
"Just a minute please"
"Did you wipe?" followed by "Go wash your hands"

5. I've always had a desire to adopt. For many years the desire was international adoption, but that desire has been morphing over the last year or so. I'm not sure what the future holds for us and adoption but I do know this: our family is not yet complete.

6. I never snooze my alarm. EVER. The sound of an alarm's buzzer is so aggravating to me that it's worth it to me to just get up so I don't have to hear that hellish buzz again in 9 minutes.

7. I have an actual bucket list. Like, written down in a journal. I've added to it over the years and I think everyone should have one. Right now there are 14 things on it and I've done 5 of them. The weirdest one? Go on vacation at a nudist resort. I'm saving that one for when Steve and I are old and wrinkled and our children will be completely mortified that their old parents are going on a nudist vacation.

okay, there's my seven! And I'm tagging Casey, Clint, Amy, AmyLynn, Amy Porter, Amy Pottenger (man, I know a lot of Amy's!), middle-school friend Melissa, and Steve-o (who actually has a blog that he has only written in ONCE so i cant' remember the name of it to link it- you better add your link in the comments after you do it, dear hubby!).


Anonymous said...

And kudos to you for never pressing snooze on an alarm!! Daniel needs to learn that technique. :)

Anonymous said...

I played along. And, I ALWAYS hit the snooze button, at least once. I'll even set my alarm ahead 10 minutes early to allow myself enough time. I don't think I COULD get up without doing it. Another OCD issue...

Anonymous said...

I remember your "no snooze button" policy when we all lived together a loooong time ago...(so glad we're friends in spite of it :-) and wonder how we didn't all kill each other but I digress! ;-)) College wrecked me with the snooze button thing though- I can't stop. :-( And you are not alone in the checkout counter issue- my sister has the same problem, I've witnessed it repeatedly. Now I must go write my own random facts!

Anonymous said...

Excellent. I so needed some of your completely wackadoo randoms tonight...I will enjoy them for months...and just so you know, I now wish I counted when I pee because I feel certain I could beat your number sometimes....if only I had proof!