Monday, April 20, 2009

5 Years Ago This Day...

He came into our lives.

Owen was 6 months old when we unexpectedly got pregnant (we're good at that) with baby #2. Shocked, we were attempting to process that news when about 2 weeks later that baby was lost. And with that loss came questions that got us thinking....about what it would be like to have another. What it would be like to have 2 children, siblings close in age. A pregnancy that we had actually planned. LOL :)
The loss of that unknown baby led us to a surprising desire for another child.

9 months later....AJ arrived.

He slept in our bed from the day he was born -- a habit we just recently broke him of about 2 months ago.

He was born with startling blue eyes...a trait I expected to fade over time and turn into creamy brown - like mine, like his daddy's, like his brothers. Today, he is the only blue-eyed member of our family - a characteristic that I bring up frequently and praise for it's uniqueness. I always want him to be proud of his individuality.

He is full of life and laughter, thrilled by the smallest of things - a frog on the side of the house, a trip to the park, a rainbow in the sky - all are exquisite and exciting and worthy to be shouted loudly about.

He is sensitive and caring - willing to give you the shirt off his back. His eyes fill with tears and his lower lip trembles when he realizes that he's hurt his brother or done something naughty enough to warrant disapproval from us.

He is snugly and physically engaging - willingly giving hugs or begging for tickles or a wrestling match.

He is a patient big brother, playing with Ty while Owen is at school - whether entertaining him with his silly antics or sharing his cars, he is thoughtful enough to play with the things that Tyler would like, not what he would like.

He is funny and loves jokes - telling us lies with a twinkle in his eye only to shout "JUST JOKING!!" a minute later with uproarious giggling.

He is all boy - lover of legos and trucks and dirt and Star Wars. Imaginative and playful, most often around the house in costume or a land of make believe - "puming" you with his guns (it's the gun sound - "pume, pume") or "swording you" with his light sabers, jumping from furniture and racing around with his blanket around his neck like a super hero.

I can hardly believe he is five years old already.

Happy Birthday Skittle - we love you and are so proud of you and the man you will become.

Some pictures from the last 5 years....

And some snaps from his birthday celebration over the weekend:


Anonymous said...

golly...I'm glad I didn't read this while you were writing it @ your house.
Since now I'm sitting here crying... it's a little embarrassing! :)

Happy Birthday AJ, I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you over the past 3 of your 5 years and I look forward to watching grow into the future!

Amy Lynn said...

What a sweet post. Looking at those pictures... I just cannot believe how much he has grown. Why do kids grow up so fast?!?!

Happy Birthday AJ. You are one heck of a cool kid!


TendrHart said...

Happy Birthday AJ from your old great auntie that you probably don't remember. I'm the one with all the dogs. :) Have a great day and a great week and a great year and a great life. God Bless.

Great Auntie Dee :)

TWL said...

Happy Birthday AJ!! Hope you had a great day. Love ya. :)

Mrs. N. said...

Hope you had a very happy birthday, AJ!!!
Love, the Obles

Katie said...

Love that little squirt! 5?!? I don't believe that!! Happy birthday to AJ

Katie said...
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