Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Ambiguous Venting

There are probably a select few who will understand any of the frustration that prompted this blog, but hey, it's my blog and if it makes no sense to anyone other than me - so be it. This is my online thoughts and feelings on a myriad of subjects. Sometimes everyone may not "get it", but it's there. You can read it if you like. Or not.

Vent #1: There is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things.
I'm mad when things aren't done right. When "issues" are not handled in the way they should be. There is a certain chain of command - both Biblically and ethically - in which to handle conflict, and when it's not done right, people get hurt. And I get mad when I see people I care about being hurt.

Vent #2: Why do Christians have to be so known for what they are "against"?? Christians are MORE known for being oppositional forces -against drinking, dancing, the Democratic party, swearing, R-rated movies, boycotting this group, or that organization, blah, blah, BLAH-need I say more -- than what we are FOR, which SHOULD be first to love God and others. Jesus loved. An amount of love unfathomable to any soul on this earth. His love was profound and pure and he commanded that His followers foremost, LOVE others. Why can we not be known for that?
I guess that there are things that, as a Christian, I am "against". But I hope that moreso, people see in me what I am "for".
I'm for love.
I'm for grace.
I'm for forgiveness.
I'm for laughing.
I'm for fun.
I'm for truth. And change. And growing - even if it's hard.
I'm for discovery.
I'm for new ideas. And thinking outside the box.
I'm for creativity and expression.
I'm for screwing up, and having that be ok, and trying to do better next time.
I'm for honesty and being real. Even if it's ugly sometimes.
I'm for hope. And trying to get better.

And those are just the things that came to mind in 30 seconds. I could make a much, MUCH bigger list. Know me for THAT. Know that I am a follower of Christ, and I don't do everything right all the time, but I'm FOR a lot. What are YOU for?

Vent #3: Mediocrity. All things should be done with excellence. No matter your position, no matter your task, no matter your situation, or circumstance, or location. And don't complain to me about how your circumstances, or how your place sucks - because it starts with YOU. And if it sucks, it's because YOU suck. Change begins with you. So quit whining and do something about it.

And that's all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

That was amazing. I kudo you, applaud you, pat you on the back or whatever else i am supposed to do to let you know I approve and agree. I cant wait to get to know you better! that post just reassured me that we have way too much in common. :)

Anonymous said...

It was nice to hear that someone else felt like that too. Sounds like you had the same kind of day I had today & yesterday. Anyway hope your day gets better. Just come hit at us at practice. (I need to touch up my libero skills.)
"THE" #1 libero

Anonymous said...

I'm on your team! And I'm for you!


Anonymous said...

I think, by and large, it is easier to point out what ones against, because it takes far more courage and commitment to state what ones for...moral courage...a derivative of character is revealed. There's such a divisive nature to point out others transgressions and foibles. It, the inability to exercise trust and courage, is very much our human nature, being exploited by evil, in order to wear down our resolve and virtue, to corrode our confidence in others and invariably have us turn on one another and turn away from the love and humanity of Christianity...tell no one what you're against...stand and demonstrate what you're for. The contagion of example is powerful. We should yearn for love and compassion, to understand even in the briefest of moments what was done for us and in our own simplified, flawed way not to say, but to do. Demonstrate it; live it; yearn to grow and strive for excellence in all things. We are taught and it is demonstrated to us to be an example..."Be not afraid"..."...come follow me...". It doesn't say to point out, deride, mask, it simply asks to demonstrate by in him.

When you can come to understand we are all so unbearably imperfect and so amazingly blessed and in that paradox we exist, one begins to see how hard it is to demonstrate our love that our Lord and Savior died for. If we choose to demonstrate our resolve, we may stand alone. If we choose to cave, go with the flow, allow distracters and motives that are impure and fraught with anger or retribution, we fail ourselves, our children, and our Lord…hence we are all what we point out in others. I do not profess to be biblical scholar or an erudite man. I will tell you that we all can mentor, we all can help, we all can be helped, and we all can extend a helping hand to one another.

My name is Dan. I struggle every conscious minute of every day trying to understand why I’ve been so blesses and what God has in store for me. I am incredibly blessed and try to maintain an awareness of that blessing in all I do. I am a sinner, an imperfect being, who by my very nature must remind myself that I am saved by grace. I empathize with others who see our world and situation deteriorate. The easy way out is to point it out, chide others who struggle mightily with their respective burdens…The hard thing, the right thing, the noble thing, the painful thing to do is to do…What are you prepared to do about it? What are we prepared to do about it?

Love is patient and is kind; love doesn't envy. Love doesn't brag, is not proud,
doesn't behave itself inappropriately, doesn't seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

Sorry for venting….