Monday, October 23, 2006

Home Again

Being up north again feels so good. It's hard to describe to someone what it's like in the north compared to the south and the feeling you get when coming back home.And it's even hard for people who live up here to understand unless they've left it and have missed its familiarity. It FEELS different here - it IS different here and I love it and I've missed it terribly - a fact I didn't realize until I stepped off the plane in Chicago and the crisp air off the lake hit me.

There's a feel in the air..a crispness that speaks of autumn, an air of busyness, and the holidays approaching, and people in a hurry. The air in the streets smells like crisp leaves, and moisture, Starbucks and fresh bread, apples, perfume wafting from the stores. The atmosphere is hurried - shoppers rushing about the stores, searching for that perfect SOMETHING, warming up in a cozy cafe or bookstore with hot cocoa and coffee. The taxis are honking, women's heels are click-clacking on the sidewalk, people are on their phones, hollering for cabs, laughing. The city employees have parked their truck outside the Virgin Records store and are hanging Christmas lights in the trees.
I'm strolling slowly, soaking it all in - music from my IPod fills my ears and sets the tone for the soundtrack of my life for that moment in time - that 2 mile walk down the streets of Chicago. I start with something melancholoy - Colorblind by Counting Crows, but switch over to John Mayer - homey, nostalgic, as comfortable as my favorite pair of jeans. I'm in no hurry. I don't have any shopping that I need or want to do. It just feels good to be home. To be NORTH. To see the brilliant colors on the leaves, and the bustle of a city, and be a part of something really big and exciting. To have my fingertips get a chill from the wind and step inside the Starbucks and get 2 hot apple ciders - one for me and one for the homeless guy outside who's sign says it's his 50th birthday. I don't know if it really is, but I tell him Happy Birthday anyway, and as he eagerly takes up the steaming cup of cider, I feel like right now life is perfect...and I go on my way.

It's good to be back.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for being such a pro up there. Dan Chris Bob and I were simply bleessed with your effervescant personality and infectious smile. Those of us from up there(all of us, by the way) know exactly what you mean. There's a "smell" to autumn and glad we were all there to share it together.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you are having a great time back home... it sounds wonderful! I haven't had a chance to tell you before now, but we LOVE the pictures from the wedding. The slideshow is awesome! Charles and I both cry every time we watch it. Thanks again for being our photographer and taking such incredible photos. We are looking forward to our "engagement session"! Have a safe trip back!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I lived outside Chicago from the age of 2 until I went to College. It will always be home for me, and Chicago is my favorite city in the world. You are not only able to capture photographs with your camera, but you created many with your description of your experience. Now I'm "homesick".

Anonymous said...

That was a great mini-vacation. Chicago is one of our favorite places in the world.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that it sounds like your really enjoying yourself. But your new volleyball team from your new home really misses you. You'd better bring back a piece of the north to show those of us who have never been there what its like. (Maybe a souvenir, not just your accent:) You've got to post more pics from the north too.

P.S. Thanks for returing my call! You CAN call anytime! Thanks for the support! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow...I feel like I just stepped out of a Thomas Kinkade painting!

I really enjoyed reading...but don't enjoy yourself too much...we miss you down here!!!

Hope to see you soon...