Tuesday, October 3, 2006


I'm cleaning up the house this morning after breakfast. AJ is playing in his room with cars and Owen (who is naked, by the way) is playing in the mudroom at the train table. I'm vacuuming the bedrooms when Owen comes running in.

"mama. mama. come look." ( This is usually what he tells me when he's either 1) made a mess of some sort or (2) tattling on A.J. )
I follow his nakey little buns to the mudroom where he points to the wall. "Look! Look at dat!"

On the wall I see a smudge of a greenish brown color - in the shape of Owen's finger. I lean in for a closer look, expecting to see bug guts or a booger. It was neither, so I smoosh it a little with my finger to test it's consistency.

"What IS that?" I ask him.

"Ellwww. It's yucky" he replies.

"yeah, I know" I said, "but what is it?"

As I lean in for an even closer look, he tells me, "It's poop. From my body."


Anonymous said...

I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!
You know, it isn't very often that I can enjoy stories about excrement or oral regurgitation. However, when Owen or A.J. are involved it kinda turns "cute"!!!

See ya soon

Anonymous said...


They're so darn proud of it because they made it, but oHHHHHHH!

It's good you have this blog because you are saving up ammunition for when he has a girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! One of those things you have to remember to tell him when he gets a little older!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That has to be in the running for funniest story I have heard all week! wow. that just made my day.