Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I've been spammed

Have to set up word verification now when people post comments because I've been spammed. "I didn't find what I was looking for on my blog, but if you go to this crapola link you can earn big money" blah, blah, blah. Next thing you know, I'll be having porno links and advertisements for Viagra. Hopefully the word verification thing will nip it in the bud and I can take it back down in a couple months. I hate those stupid word verification things. I know they're supposed to deter spam generators, but do they have to be so complicated that a real human being can't decipher the words sometimes?
May the force be with you....


Anonymous said...

wait...it didn't do it!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to leave you a comment so that I could do the word varification.

Anonymous said...

ok...it's up now.

monxwwa-- the fuzzy stuff between your toes after you wear black socks.

Anonymous said...

You are defining your word verification. You spend too much time on Ness's blog. LOL.

Anonymous said...

what does the handicap chair mean?

Anonymous said...

Is it bad when I have to try THREE times to leave a comment on my own blog because the word verification is apparently to difficult for me to decipher?

Anonymous said...

amy - you ask a very valid question. I clicked on it an a voice came over the speakers saying a sequence of random letters and numbers, which made me think - oh! It's for people who can't read - so they can HEAR the word verification and type it in.
But then the question to ask is....why are people who can't read reading a blog and leaving comments?? Assumably typing letters to words....

I'm perplexed.

anyone? anyone?

Anonymous said...

yeah that's bad. Almost as bad as the sign at the McDonald's drive through window that says IN BRAILLE...that Braille menus are available.

word verification balderdash...you can't beat it....especially when bad words come up...which they will!

cfearsjp: She fears the jpg?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the handicapped feature isn't for the totally blind? If the word verification is hard for "normal" people like "us" to decipher sometimes, maybe those with difficulty seeing or minor mental deficiencies need the audio version? It is probably some ADA requirement that could have little to contribute to the real world anyway.