Friday, October 27, 2006

The Beauty of Michigan

Here's a few from the more rural parts of where I call home.....

This one is from a photoshoot with my sister and bro-in-law...I kept stopping to photograph the pretty leaves. :) Nevermind that there were about 8 million of them all over the ground.

A horse farm up the road from where I'm staying....

Found this barn when I was driving aimlessly about yesterday.....

The road that my brother and sister-in-law live off of.....

Hope you liked...I've only got 2 days left until I come home...I'm hoping to get some shots of the city tonight or tomorrow if I have time. And of course, I still need to get in a shoot with my neice and nephews before I leave so it'll be a busy last 2 days....

Hope you enjoyed the pics....


Anonymous said...

great pics, tammi! i like the tree-lined street; they are becoming extinct, as more and more cities opt to cut road foliage back to help prevent trees blocking road, etc., during storms. we have ALOT of tree-lined streets here in huntsville, which i LOVE! did you notice, after the "Notorious Four" came thru Central Florida, they cut a bunch of GOOD trees down. residents weren't very happy. going down a tree-lined street, it's like you're walking (or driving) thru a tunnel of color. of course, at night in the fog, it's spoo-oo-ky.

have a great time w/niece and nephews!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting new pics.


Anonymous said...

I loved every single one of those blogs. they cracked me up! And the pictures of you take pictures were ultra cool! (am I allowed to say ultra?) Anyway, Can't wait to see you and hear more about the trip!

Anonymous said...

amyp-aren't trees becoming extinct? Glad they still have some in Michigan. :)
casey - you too, nerd. :)
Libero - that was profound. I'm glad you liked the new pics.
amy lynn-- of course you can say ultra, as long as you don't say uber. I hate that word.

Anonymous said...

I miss barns. there are like..2 in NWA.