My birthday is coming up in a few months, and I'd like to offer you all an idea suggestion.
The Great Elephant PooPoo Paper Company, Limited offers 100% recycled and odorless environmentally friendly products made from elephant poo!
I'd like the journal please.
Thank you.
First, do elephants poop blue and grey?
Second, is that Confederate or Union, cannot remember?
Last, who is the person that stood at the zoo, watched the amazing things elephants produce from their backsides and then, think, Hmm...maybe I could make paper from that.
Remember the other day when I emailed about Owen someday using all his energy to invent something to make you independently wealthy?
What's the difference in grey and gray?
Can someone tell me please...I'm sure I do not remember.
What's the difference between grey and gray?
England and America.
Gray is a color.
Grey is a *colour*.
Thank you, Auntie Dee :)
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