In case you didn't know, my sons are complete nudists, weather permitting. They will be naked from now until October. Doncha love AJ's bum in the corner of this picture?? lol :)
That's Steve behind Owen.
And he's NOT naked.
Although I did suggest it.
He politely declined.

Being a total photo geek this was one of my favorite pictures. Not because it has my adorable son in it, but because I focused on the water and you can see how sharply in focus they are. BUT, if you take careful notice, you'll see that not all the drops of water are in focus (Go ahead - click on the picture and take a look at it up close--you know you want to). My f-stop was at 2.8 - which is where it's almost always set to on my camera. LOVE that depth of field!! It's razor thin. If you don't know what depth of field is, you can learn about it here, but my guess is that I lost most of you when I started discussing my f-stop. No prob.
The little things amuse me.

Have a happy weekend!
Nice new header with new pics. It looks good.
Yes, the weather was great but now I'm roasted w/ a softball sunburn line. Wonderful!!! Too bad I have such crappy skin or it would turn into a tan line. GOSH!!!
Wouldn't that hurt with no trunks on? For a boy I mean....
TWL- bummer about softball lines. Maybe you can even those up in Mississippi over spring break (*snicker*)
Melissa - I asked Steve the same question. He said, "Judging by the 2 hours they spent outside doing this, I guess not". :)
I love how AJ still has his binky in his mouth, even when he is living it up with the slip n slide. how adorable.
AWWW! and dang! those are nice. Gorgeous color.. oh dang tammi =0) Have steve call me when he has a minute please
Amy Lynn- AJ has that binky in 24/7. He pops it out to eat and that's about it. I dunno if I'm ever gonna break him of it.
Katie - aww, dang! Do I LOOK like a secretary??
Umm... am I the only disturbed by the child pornography here?
Oh wait, Amy Lynn hates it when I say stuff like that... uuu...
Aw, how cute!
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