Ground Squirrels live all over the world. The American red squirrel lives in evergreen forests in North and Central America. Arctic squirrels live on the tundra. Mohave ground squirrels live in the Mojave Desert of California. These are only a few of the kinds of ground squirrels there are in the world.
Ground squirrels and tree squirrels are different. You can tell the difference this way. Ground squirrels will run to their burrow in the ground if they are scared. Tree squirrels will climb a tree or high building.
They are about 7-8 inches long and weigh about 8-14 ounces. They most often make their home in the northern plains of North America.
oh my gosh I want one. They look so cute!!
hmm. thanks for the info! Saves me some time of looking what it is up.. oh wait, are you calling me lazy now? Thanks, i appreciate the insult...
okay, I think I've seen one, PA, last year. They look like a rat w/a bushy tail? Oh, sorry, that would be roof rats which I experienced for the first time in FL. Apparently, they have them here in AL also although I haven't seen one yet..yay!
Still, I think that's awfully big to step on when hanging socks...compared to a toad/frog. I don't think I get it b/c wouldn't they be faster than your average TREE squirrel?
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