In particular, I needed shower gel, deodorant, and Baby Oil Gel --if you're incredibly nosy and were simply dying of curiosity to know what "toiletry" type items I was in search of.
The boys were at preschool, so rather than do my usual "swipe-whatever-deodorant-looks-cheap-and-is-easily-within-reach-before-
AJ-knocks-down-28-boxes-of-tampons-from-the-adjacent-shelf" tactic that I usually employ, I took time to peruse the dazzling display of deodorant before me.
You out there, without children, or with children grown -- lest you forget the sheer pleasure of perusing the aisles of toiletries in uninterrupted silence, let me tell you - is is a rare luxury. There are few moments peace in a mother's time, and so to stand there in Target, arms folded across my chest, letting my eyes rake over every single colorful anti-perspirant before me, contemplating the possibilities that awaited for my underarms, was 4 minutes of pure bliss. Solid, soft-solid, gel, aerosol, anti-perspirant, scented, unscented, organic - it's mind-boggling let me tell you. Now, Secret is my brand of choice, so after a cursory glance over the other brands (you never know when something different might catch your eye - like Teen Spirit, which my eyes linger over every time as wonder if Curt Cobain rolls in his grave every time a pre-adolescent girl rubs said product on her armpits) I stepped to the side to view the display of Secret deodorant before me.
After deciding which one I wanted, and having it in hand (Shower Fresh semi-solid, if you must know) I was turning to place said item in my cart when I caught site of this:
What is it, you wonder?? It is Secret Deodorant - solid. BUT, this is no regular secret deodorant, oh no! This is Secret SPARKLE - and not only sparkle, but in a lovely Vanilla Chai scent.
So for me, the real secret is......WHO IN THE ____ would want their armpits to sparkle....OR smell like Vanilla Chai??? Please, someone tell me. Are you out there women? Is there someone out there reading this, who is typing a comment right now with sparkly vanilla-chai scented underarms?? Or I could be a man as well. As Steve will testify - Secret IS....strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
Reveal yourself, please - I must know.
do you eat it or what???
Or in Charleigh's case, you smash it all over the face of your big sister's most beloved possession...her American Girl Doll.
yeah, anybody out there have a clue how to removed deodorant from a doll's eyeball crevices?
Those marketing gurus really do think we are sheep, don't they? "Put sparkles in it...they won't be able to help themselves. They'll be drawn to it like moths to a flame..."
Are you kidding? Abby will wear, smear, eat anything that has a sparkle to it... You are showing how "old" you are by your comments... :)
The only difference being that deodorant is not marketed to 2 YEAR OLDS, Rob.
It is generally marketed to those who have achieved puberty and en masse--WOMEN. Like me.
Besides, old women don't bother to wear deodorant anymore. So I'm not that old. :) lol
What do you mean old women don't bother to destink their arm pits anymore??? I'll have you know even we "OLD" women roll around in bed and occasionally our noses fall forward and down while our arm is wrapped around a big cuddly pillow and we can be awakened like a 5 alarm fire thinking there is a skunk in bed with us! So, yes we old women do wear deodorant so we can try to sleep through all our aches and pains without the added trouble of awaking to....el-stinko. Course when your hubby is flatulating in his sleep, no deodorant can help with THAT!
As for the sparkles, well that is something us old women love. The shine and dazzle will glare anyone looking in that direction so they won't notice you have not shaved under there for the last month. Bring on the "GLITZ" ;)
REALLY???? Vanilla-Chai...
that makes me a little sick...
what next?
Coffee scented shampoo...Chocolate covered cherry aftershave???
This is one of those marketing schemes like Black Cherry, French Vanilla, Diet will just make people appreciate the original product!
Now, as for the sparkles...there's nothing I love more than a girl lifting up her arm and me getting a lighthouse effect?!?!?
Like T.P., I'm amazed at the number of deoderants. I've tried many, even the "natural deodarant crystal" b/c I was naturally worried about my armpit health (there were rumors my great grandma had's been linked to metals in deoderant...etc, etc.)
Okay, I got lost, so I've ended up with Dove only b/c it does NOT leave white marks on my shirts at all; it's so great. But, I wonder what chemical do they use, not use, to make it non-marking. What about black-soled shoes...what makes them marking or non-marking? Why not make EVERYTHING non-marking; who wants marks on anything? Why aren't ALL kids markers invisible? Seriously.
Don't even get me started.
If I happened to smell a woman's armpits and they smelled like Vanilla Chai, I would think one of two things:
A) she obviously spilled some kind of new NON-MARKING tea on her at some point during the day
B)She's like that weird lady on SNL that used to always tickle her own armpits and then sniff her fingers - what's her name? Cracked me up. But gross.
Blogs and email ARE important.
One note of caution...
DON'T use those deoderant crystals after you shave your armpits!
It's akin to swimming in the ocean after shaving.
It hurts to say the least.
Casey,just had to tell u they already have coffee scented shampoo.I know because I just bought the conditioner & shampoo for my coffee-addicted daughter!(Did u know a scientific study showed that the smell of coffee actually puts people in a better mood especially in shopping malls?)Incredible isn't it?
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