Friday, October 26, 2007


Today, while I was out and about, I had THREE people mistake Tyler for a girl.

Note to self: Tyler looks like a girl in white. Do not dress baby in white until he becomes less androgynous.


Anonymous said...

WHAT??!?! He does not look like a girl...
and please oh please tell me that you are on some version of your pastry-crack... Tylerina?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...


Tyler doesnt look like a girl... but then again I havent seen him in white. I guess Zac looks a little less masculine in white though... hmmm

Anonymous said...

That's OK Tammi. Both Sloan and Sammi have been mistaken for boys even when dressed head to toe in pink. Always seemed to happen in places like Target......
