Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm Fine Right Here. An Owenism

About the time I was signing AJ up for soccer, I was encouraging Owen to give soccer a try. Since neither of our kids have played organized sports yet, I was trying to explain it to him/them so they would have a clear picture of what it was. In the car on the way to school one morning:

Me: hey, you guys wanna play soccer on a soccer team?
Owen: No.
Me: It'll be really fun. You'll get to play with other kids, and meet new friends and we'll get you some cool new soccer shoes and a soccer ball.
AJ: YEAH! That'll be COOL!
Owen: No, I don't wanna play soccer.
Me: Well, daddy and I will come and watch you. We'll be there the whole time and we'll cheer for you from the sidelines as you kick the ball and score a goal.
AJ: Cool!
Owen: No. I don't want to play soccer. The other kids will take the ball from me and smoosh me.
Me: (with a sigh) Ok, buddy - we'll find something else for you to do.

So, over the weekend:

Me: Hey, Owen.
Owen: yeah?
Me: AJ is going to start playing soccer on Monday, so we need to start thinking about something fun for you to do.
Owen: ok.
Me: Do you know what you might want to do? Like.....Art classes?
Owen: yeah!
Me:...or swimming....?
Owen: yeah! swimming!
Me: ...or gymnastics?
Owen: yeah! nimnastics!
Me: well, you have to pick just one.
Owen: (thinking) 'bout.....swimming!!
Me: Really? Ok. Well, just so you know...that when you take swimming class, you have to actually get in the water. And listen to the teacher and like, learn to swim.
Owen: No. I don't want to.
Me: Well, daddy or I will be there with you. We'll swim in the pool too.
Owen: No. I don't want to swim. I would fall in like this (starts flailing his arms around in circles) and I would get kilt (killed) by the water like this (makes choking sounds).
Me: (with a sigh) Ok buddy...we'll think of something else.


Anonymous said...

Owen = Art classes. Nice try Tams, valiant effort. Maybe he'll try sports next year. :)

Anonymous said...

teach him to shoot....

Anonymous said...

I think Art sounds awesome... he's already got such an eye for drawing... and conceptually he can create things that I still have trouble grasping (like drawing an entire train... upside down... from memory!) I think you should have a go with it!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Art! He is such a creative little booger.

(Love the picture by the way)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dan...teach him to shoot.

That way he won't worry about the kids taking the ball and smooshing him. It's a whole new confidence level when you know - I could take him out from 200 yds if I wanted to...