Friday, March 28, 2008

The Week In Review

Ok, let's see....Spring Break Started off with a bang on Good Friday, and Steve-0 and I launched into full-fledged spring cleaning the house on Thursday night.
In one 24-hour period we spring cleaned the entire house. It sucked, but it needed to be done. Now I don't have to worry about Tyler catching the Ebola virus from our floors.

Friday afternoon Steve's parents rolled in to town (much to the boys delight) to visit for a few days. I was just glad that the boys were crawling into bed with someone else at 3 am. Steve said it felt good to be able to actually roll over in bed. A night without being smacked in the face with a small fist is rare indeed. If you don't understand, you've never slept alongside small children.

Saturday we went to the coolest Easter Egg Hunt ever, hosted by Clint's Dad and mom. Wish I had thought to take some pictures, but I was unaware of the cool factor seeing as how I was depraved as a child and never participated in an egg hunt. *sob* I know. The HORROR.
Anyway, this was the coolest Easter Egg Hunt ever. Let's just say the boys walked away with a more than fair amount of cash and prizes. Steve and I got $17, a paring knife, a phallic balloon animal, 27 mosquito bites (steve), and minor sunburn.

Easter Sunday after church we all went to the park and had a great afternoon. It was a beautiful warm sunny day with perfect weather, but not-so-perfect kite flying conditions (although grandpa surely tried). The boys played with their new Easter basket toys from grandma and grandpa (frisbees, velcro ball, boomerangs, bubbles, etc). We had a picnic, explored the river, played with new toys, tried to fly a kite, played on the playground, and then went to Two Scoops for gelato. Yum.

Good Deed Tuesday.....I slacked. I thought about it, but with family in town and spring break-itis creeping upon me, I didn't do anything. I know. --->hangs head in shame<-----
Rather, we were on the receiving end, when we were good deed tuesday'd by steve's mom and dad, who filled up our pantry and fridge with food which was awesome. Because well, we think food is a good and necessary substance to survival. Our fridge is bursting at the seams. I think after Steve unloaded groceries I actually heard the refrigerator burp and say thank you.

So, that was the recap of our week.....Here's a few pics of our Easter Sunday picnic.
Hope you all had a great week. :)


Anonymous said...

WOW... that's fun...
Tammi, you forgot to mention that you had to play nurse to a house full of sniffly people!

My good deed (Wednesday) Tuesday:
I had 2 Starbucks gift cards from ####... whenever... and so I used one of them and then gave the other to my friend @ the counter and asked him to use it for the next few people who came in... until it was gone.

Anonymous said...

great idea Casey!

I'm afraid I was a sorry "nurse". I'm not a very compassionate person to those who are ill. :/

Anonymous said...

I have to brag on myself and maybe this is not really a good deed. You tell me.

On Saturday, I was shopping at the Goodwill for two hours. I love to just rummage and that's what I did--rummaged.

So, while I was rummaging, I put everything back on hangers that had fallen off or were handing cockeyed.

I was not out of my comfort zone, however, because I usually do this at all retail clothing locations. It's one of my OCD's.

Except at home, where most of our clothes lay in baskets. :0)

I did like every rack in the store though. And it's a big store. C'mon, it's counts, right? I slacked on Tues and I have guilt. Help me...please.

Anonymous said...

Good Deed Oracle that I am, I say: It Counts. :)

Anonymous said...

OK I can attest that Tammi is officially NOT nurse material ----- since I was one of the sick ones!!!!!