Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Feeling Like a Zombie Right This Second...

I'm totally not kidding when I tell you that this has been the busiest week and a half of my life. I've been getting up at 6:30 am and not going to bed until at least midnight or later for the last week and a half (save for last night when I fell asleep on the couch at 10 from pure exhaustion).
Prom (in Atlanta) over the weekend, photo shoots almost every day of the week this week, multiple orders to put out, cards to design, videos to create, and about 3 other projects in the queue....
So, if you see me this week and wonder why I have bloodshot eyes, rings under my eyes, unkempt hair, rumpled clothing and an otherwise general haggard appearance a la The Living Dead...that's why. Don't be alarmed. I just may pass out momentarily. Just slip me some Speed and I'll be back in no time.

This morning after I dropped the boys off at school, I went with Steve's mom (who's in town) to a couple of flea markets in town. I have a photoshoot tonight that I needed a particular chair for, so I had to find something today for this shoot. As luck would have it...well, they didn't have what I was looking for although I did find something that would work.
Here's a few snaps of other oddities that I found along the way. And these are just some "normal" oddities. The one flea market we went to was a real dive...filled with all kinds of bizarre crap......Ness, I thought of you the whole time - wondering what gems you would've found in there. :)

Who doesn't love a trumpet-playing lion from the Queen's Court?

I actually bought this old filmie for $1, thinking it would make a cute prop. But AJ stole it as soon as he saw it - taking pictures and telling me I'm doing a good job as his model so I'm not sure I'll be getting it back anytime soon.

This is for Clint and Amy's house...
(click to enlarge)

These are not miniatures, but are some actual wood clogs. Size 7 I believe, if anyone is interested in them.

This picture makes me happy.
No, I don't know why.
Yes, I am odd.

Later friends :)


Anonymous said...

LOVE the cuss box. Probably could've used it at least three times last night. :0/

Mello Yello is my fav "pop". They don't have it anymore in the Midwest. They don't have sweet tea either...or 85 degrees in April.

I never find good stuff when I go "marketing".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sweeeeet...I love junk. That elephant makes me happy too.

Anonymous said...

That cuss box isn't nearly big enough...have you heard the mouth on Amy?!?!

This comment just cost her a nickel!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe the first statue is a monkey?!?!
Maybe not... but it's cool!

Anonymous said...

I am loving the cuss box. haha.

I am sorry your a zombie. I hate those weeks. I hope you get de-zombied soon!