Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Well, Dontcha Know?

(said in my best annoying Sarah Palin accent) I just feel so special now, dontcha know?

My printing lab, ColorInc, choose one my images as their favorite staff pics from the week...tada!:


Anonymous said...

guess its better than a Michigan accent

Anonymous said...

[Tammi flips Dan off]

Anonymous said...


That window made for some great shots.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you guys (said in my best yankee accent) play nice.

Anonymous said...

[Dan laughs dissmissively at Tammi] silly L.....

Anonymous said...

"Did you pee the bed last night?" I ask AJ
[thinking] "Nope. I peed my pajamas."...Now that's a politician

Anonymous said...

Now Tammi you know that you would end up with another boy!!!! Silly girl and oh by the way if you get the itch for a girl I'm always willing to loan you my teenager to you for oh say 12 weeks out of the year and I will pick which week of the month you get to have her. IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN??????
Maybe you and Jen could swap a few days a month a boy for a girl. hang in there I remember those days. NOT EASY!!!!! ; - )