Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ask (or Whine Relentlessly) and it Shall Be Given

I did it.
It took me some time...and I STILL don't like it as much as the blogger one, but I've switched to Wordpress and gone public.

It's taken me awhile because:
1) I had to sit down to actually take the time to do it.
2) I had to switch the URL so that it didn't have my name in it. I don't necessarily want clients (current or potential) to find my personal blog where I blather on about Obama, roadkill, baby poop, and how long I pee for when they google my name.
3) For certain things, I have a hard time with change. I love this old blogger blog. It's been with me since the beginning. *sniff, sniff* blog. I'm not making any promises that I'll stick with it. Because it's weird. And green. and the text column is too narrow. So I'm trying to figure out how to fix it and if I can't, we're turning this blog around and coming straight home- do you understand??

In the meantime, add it to your readers and RSS feeds: Behold, the new, public blog:


Anonymous said...

Well its about darn time. :)
You are officially added to my igoogle.

Anonymous said...

happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

we'll have to add it to the Google Analytics site... I love stats :)