Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Big 3-0

I'm 30.
Exactly 21 minutes ago I turned 30.

If you ask me right now, I'm okay with it. How often do you tell people your age? And does it really matter? Isn't age REALLY JUST a number?
But if you ask me tomorrow, I might be completely depressed about it. Because by then I'll be 20 years old PLUS one day. You know....the more I think about it - I don't think 30 is that bad. I think 31 will be bad. Because then you're not 30, you're IN your THIRTIES.


Who cares anyway?

Happy Birthday to Me. light of my 30th birthday, in addition to my newly tradition of taking a picture with Cooper (who was my birthday present from Steve 2 years ago) and a picture-taking tradition we started last year - I decided to ALSO make a list.
Because I love me some lists.

30 Things to Do in My 30th Year
1. Get a tattoo
2. Renew my passport
3. Go camping overnight
4. Take a class
5. fly a kite
6. Catch a fish
7. Take a self-portrait
8. Paint a big painting
9. Get some moo cards
10. Do some charity work
11. be crazy
12. do something meaningful
13. Start a photo project
14. Buy a lottery ticket
15. Romp on the beach with my family
16. Explore some old dreams
17. Reconnect with some important people
18. Get IN some pictures
19. Finish a project
20. Make a Blurb book
21. Visit the Little Grand Canyon
22. Stretch myself as an artist
23. Memorize a piece on the piano
24. Grow personally in tangible ways
25. Invest in a stranger's life
26. Get published
27. Do something spontaneous
28. Write a letter
29. Get a family picture that I love
30. Love. Laugh. Often. More.


Anonymous said...

you're alredy quirky, so does that count?

anony mous

Amy Lynn said...

I am becoming more comfortable with leaving my 20's. I dont want it to happen anytime soon, but from what I am hearing, as a woman, 40's and 50's are supposed to be the best time of your life. (Says Oprah) So I am looking forward to see if that holds any truth to it. :)

Happy Birthday! Hope its fabulous. :)

Tammi said...

A.L. - I'll take my 30's over my 40's and 50's any day. :) I like it here just fine. LOL

Anon-quirky? Hmmmm.....that's a new adjective for me....

Rob said...

So when's the tattoo coming and what are you going to get? Is it really happening this time? You've talked about this every birthday for a few years??? :)