Thursday, November 1, 2007

3 Things

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a general disdain for boys aged 9 to approximately 13. You heard me. They're annoying. I'm *dreading* the days when my boys get to be that age and it's like, hello! I'm the most annoying thing on the planet right now. Girls are too...but boys are worse. And that's all i have to say about that.
ANYWAY....last night when we're taking the boys trick or treating, we're walking down the street and there they are.
2 of them.
About 11 years old. They're not dressed like anything. They're wearing jeans and tshirts. But they're carrying PILLOWCASES full of candy. And to make it worse, I hear them talking about how they made out like bandits, not having to wear costumes but getting a ton of candy. Grrrr. Parents of the world listen up: Do NOT allow your pre-adolescent boys to go trick or treating if they don't have a costume! And DO NOT hand out candy to people who do not dress up! We must stop this Halloween monstrosity!

This was weird. Also...trick or treating last night....Steve walks the boys up to this one house, they do their thing and get their candy, say thank you...walking away, and there's this woman walking up to the house behind them. She's carrying a little boy...maybe 2 years old at the most. It's hard to tell if he has a costume on or not, but she carries him up to the door and they get some candy and leave. I'm watching MY boys walk back with steve-o, and listening to the woman with the baby loudly demanding that he child say thank you. SAY THANK YOU!! He must've said it, because the woman at the door almost apologetically says, "you're welcome sweetie" but by her tone you can tell she's really saying, "sorry you have a psychotic demanding mother". Steve and the boys get back and he tells me this: That the woman who took her little boy and his little pumpkin bucket up to the door also had a pillowcase of candy.
For herself.

Does anyone else find that weird??
We've laughed about it for the next 3 houses.

Tyler has a cough.
AJ has a cough. And a gross nose. But the cough is out of the ordinary.
Owen has an oncoming cough.
I'm sneezing a lot. Which is my personal precursor for get-ready-you're-about-to-catch-a-cold.

Happy Thursday!


Anonymous said...

1) I am aslo a supporter of the no candy unless you are dressed up.
2) Thats a little odd... but nothing suprises me with parents these days.
3) That sucks.

Anonymous said...

You should have seen Mom and Dad's neighborhood last night... all the CS hicks came out of the woods to do some tricker treatin... there were no short of 50 cars parked along the streets of the neighborhood so everyone (and I mean everyone, ma, pa, dog, cousin, whatever) could git r done and pull in the candy! I don't blame Mom and Dad for one instant for locking their door and hiding away from all the creepies (i.e. 11-13 year old boys wearing the same black t-shirt they wear the other 364 days of the year, parents dragging their toothless babies around to get candy (like wine candy must get better w/age))