Friday, November 9, 2007

Pass the Popcorn Please

These are some movies currently playing that I would like to see. Considering the fact that with 3 kids and a teacher-salary income, nights out at the movies require winning small lottery, the odds of me getting to see more than one of these is very slim.

--------->Martian Child.

Dan In Real Life <------

---->Fred Claus (although i'll wait until it feels more "christmasey" to watch this one)

Beowulf <----------

It looks weird and the movie itself will probably bomb in the box office, but I still want to see it. Beowulf is one of my favorite stories....

---->And of course the boys want
to see Bee Movie. I think it looks funny, but it's not tops on my list of course.

Anyone seen any of these and if so, what did you think?? Oh, and also....if you wouldn't mind donating approximately...let's for me to see 4 movies...$32...popcorn and drinks...also $32....oh wait, don't forget the boys at the Bee Movie....$12 more...popcorn for them...$20....oh, steve might want to come to the other movies with me...$32 more...oh, and a babysitter for during those movies...$85.....You know what? Just sell your car and give me the money to go to the movies, ok?

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