Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Facebook Clarification

Yes. I signed up for Facebook.

I've received a few friend invitations.

Don't be offended that I don't accept them.

I only got on facebook and made an account to find a friend that I heard through rumor was on facebook. Facebook,'s too much for me to handle. I can't keep up with anything other than this dang blog, so sorry for any confusion but I won't be frequenting the Myspace or Facebook world. We'll just have to be blogging friends.

It's not's me.
We can still be friends though, right?? :) LOL


Anonymous said...

I didnt even know you had a facebook! Geeze. I am so not "in the know"

Its a good idea your not actually getting into the facebook thing though. Its pretty addicting.

Anonymous said...

Both myspace and facebook are very addicting. It is fun though, to search for old friends you haven't seen in years. I have an account at each...and you can take a peek at my house and know which days I spent too long on the computer!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I thought Facebook was just for young kids--you know h.s. and college--you're not old.

But, if I could find out some sweet gossip on some friends from h.s. and possibly who to avoid if we happen to bump into each other at Christmas in K.C., I'm all for Facebook.

What the heck does au pair translate as? The word bothers me for some reason--French words are so hoity toity. :0)

Except for french fry. :) :) :) :)

I know I offended someone but I only try to pa-lese my kids these days. That's all the energy I have.

Oh yeah, and "Ladies Man" so suits him.