Friday, November 16, 2007

Might be getting myself in trouble here....

I was just invited to read the most outstanding blog...

Sarah Beth's blog is open only to invited readers, but if you're interested in reading the blog of a thoughtful, poetic, wise young woman, whose thoughts and ideas are deeper than they seem, you might want to email her and ask if you can read too.
I first met her through Steve-0, sortof, when she started coming with her fiance to our top-secret book club. :) lol She's fairly quiet, mildly content to listen to the blatherings of everyone else in the room, but beneath the surface lurks a wise intelligence and when she opens her mouth to speak, you know she's got something good to say.

Sarah, hope you're not upset that I could possibly be sending a bunch of email and potential blog readers your way, but your words are too good NOT to share. And I'm glad I'll get to watch you grow and figure things out in words. What a gift you have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I don't mind, I'm just a bit embarrassed by all the flattery!

If anyone out there is interested in reading my blog, I've decided to make it public for a while and see what happens. So you don't have to solicit me for permission, just go ahead and read!