Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Soulja Spongebob

Does it make me a terrible person that my kids *love* to watch this video? And I let them? And I think it's funny?

disclaimer: I *despise* SpongeBob...and i don't let my kids watch Spongebob. So, what are they freaking obsessed with?? Why, Spongebob of course!

clarification for those of you who live under a rock or are not hip to what's cool: this music video (not the spongebob version) and the accompanying dance that goes with it is the most popular dance to sweep the nation since the Macarena. You are like, SO not cool if you don't know about it. What-EVER. **flips her hair**


Anonymous said...

WOW! Who has the time to match up random spongebob clips to a lame song... our society is nuts...

Anonymous said...


Thats great

Anonymous said...

Darn... I was really expecting someone to have animated him actually doing the dance...
oh well... I had my hopes so high...sigh :)

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm not hip.

The song made me dizzy.

Now I'm going on YouTube to find the non-animated version so I can learn the dance. I so hate not being hip.

Ditto on despising SpongeBob and my kids loving him. What's with that? Maybe it's this generation's version of AquaMan--now that's a cool guy!

Anonymous said...

I just looked at this during second period and forgot that I had the volume turned way up. As soon as I clicked on the video all my students stood up and started clapping and dancing! How could i turn it off then? I was just waiting for another teacher to walk in wondering what all the comotion was!
But now I am the coolest teacher ever in their eyes!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you would let the boys listen to my kind of music. I'm still in shock. :)