Thursday, November 22, 2007

Runneth Over...On Being Blessed

I am.
And I don't mean to sound like Yoda when I say it, but I'm just a little overwhelmed, especially this year by everything that I have. I am truly very, very rich.
We're in Atlanta, and there's a major drought here. Lake Lanier is at the lowest point it's ever been...they've been considering rationing water, etc. etc. True Story. Google it.
So while we've been here, I've been extra aware of how much water I use. Or waste. How much we all use (and waste) on a regular day. And I think about people in Africa who have to walk upwards of 4 miles one way to get a few gallons of clean water. How the water in our toilet is probably more sanitary than what some people drink. Did you know that $1 can provide clean water for an African for A YEAR?? Here is the part where I want to say, "God, I am blessed"...where I actually did just type that, but then deleted it. If I am blessed because I have clean water, food to eat.... what does that say for those that don't? That they aren't blessed? What am I then? Lucky? Spoiled? Fatefully born into the "right" country? The "right" family? I'm wrestling with a lot of ideas like this lately. Don't mean to be a downer on a holiday, but it kindof is a downer, doncha think? Millions of Americans gorging themselves on huge meals today, when other people are starving, or cold, and the leftover and scraps thrown into the trash today could've fed a small country?
But I still ate too much. And didn't do anything about those other people, or that small country, and I'm honestly starting to despise myself for it a little bit. But I think that could be a good thing. Because when we despise a part of ourselves, we hopefully make moves to change it.
There's a glimpse into my personal journey right now.
Blessed? Maybe.
Thankful? For sure.
For food to eat and clothes to wear.
For my husband and the fact that he's been extra nice to me the last 2 days (2 days of sleeping in! Does miracles for my disposition:) )
For my beautiful healthy boys and their lovable quirks, silly moments, horrid messes, and squealing laughter.
For my family, both near and far and their support.
For my camera. (Hey, I can be thankful for a possession!)
For Lisa, who has become the closest friend I've had in the last 5 years.
For Dan, who is my big brother in a Marine's body, living in Albany, to make me laugh and break my ribs with his hugs.
For Ginny, who I miss a lot. Who can make me laugh. Not a chuckle, but a rip-roaring, snort your coffee out your nose laugh. I miss those times.
For Erica, who is the best babysitter ever and has somehow, over the last 2 years, evolved into a member of our family.
For friends like the Nobles, who we've been circling, eyeing each other up, deciding we like, deciding they're our kind of people. Whatever that means. :)
For friends near and far...the Cox's, The Porters, The Pottengers, The Titus', Bookclubbers, and I'm sure I'm missing others who will read this and be all WHAT? SHE DIDN'T MENTION US? And probably call me a bee-atch. I'm thankful for you too.
For this blog. And the outlet it's been to me. And the people who read it. My connect with the world and friends and family.
For a God who confuses me, astounds me, terrifies me, loves me, gives me a sense of wonder, and lately seems to be pricking my conscience with social action matters. I hope it keeps making me uncomfortable until I do something about it.
For a regular income (however small), and healthcare, and vehicles to drive, and food in our pantry, and clean water from our faucets, and hot showers in the mornings, and not having to worry about being bombed or killed at any minute, and never knowing hunger, or famine, or a cold night alone.
I'm just......thankful.
And that's all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

all I can say to that is Amen. and we're thankful for you too. :-)

Anonymous said...

CAN I GET AN.....AMEN?! Yes; unhesitatingly blessed.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for an honest voice in a world that is full of pretenders. I'm thankful that your words echo the thoughts and conversations that we have, letting us know that we're not alone on this journey. I'm thankful that you called me your friend. :-) See you guys soon.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, what Amy N said.

I would be very thankful for the disappearance of word verification if that were to ever happen.

Does it make everyone else try 2x like it does me EVERY TIME?

Make that 3x!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for you guys too. :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Clint said (yes, two to three times - wow, I thought I was stupid; maybe I am but at least I'm not the only stupid :0) ).

*Hint* to Tammi...great Christmas present--no more word verification - please, I BEG of you!

I'm thankful for Tammi--she's obviously made this world a better place for all of us and wants to make it better for many.

We're all thankful for YOUR friendship Tamms.

And your honesty.

And your awesome pics.

And your sarcasm.

And if I hadn't seen my name in there, I would not have called you *that word*.

No, really.

Maybe a snot but not the other.

Okay, maybe under my breath.

No. No. I changed my mind.

Just a snot. :0)

Anonymous said...

I love your ability to express yourself in words, and I am grateful to have such a soulful friend...I know feelings of American stuffism can be overwhelming, I also struggle with those feelings. But to have our eyes/hearts opened is in fact a great gift. Jesus Rocks! It's through that clarity we can find ways to make a difference. Not save the world difference, but 1 person impacting 1 person, 1 word, 1 deed, or 1helping hand at a time.