Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lizard and frog

Remember that lizard that I told you about? Well, I found it. Or I should say that AJ found it.

He came out to the kitchen on Thursday with a little brown lizard, upside down, stiff, pinched in his little fingers.
"Eeelwww!" I said. "He's dead. Give him to me so I can throw him out"
He holds his hand out toward me so I can take the lizard.
I reach out to grab it and it flips onto the ground and scurries under the kitchen table.
I squealed. "Eeeeee! It's alive!"
He giggled.
"Catch it!!" I commanded.
He caught it an we stuck it in a jar, along with a frog that we had caught the night before.
They took them to school for show and tell and then brought them home, where I insisted that we let them go.
After some protesting, they agreed and we took them outside to release them. The lizard made a run for it as soon as we opened the jar....the frog stuck around for a minute....
Poor reptiles. Amphibians. Whatever the heck they are.


Anonymous said...

You have a seriously warped sense of humor...

But I did laugh. It was funny.

Everything is at midnight when you're waiting for the last load of laundry to finish the spin cycle.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... so I'm really glad to since you first posted about "that lizard", I have conveniently forgotten every time I've been @ your house... you know how I HATE reptiles errr... amphibians!