Friday, November 16, 2007

Bloggers Anonymous

I subscribe to a lot of blogs.

A LOT of blogs.

Photography blogs, mom blogs, spiritual blogs, funny blogs, recipe blogs, LOTS LOTS LOTS of blogs.

I'm a little embarrassed by it. But I NEED them....for inspiration, for a laugh, for a human connect.

Hello, my name is Tammi and I'm a blog addict.
As of yesterday I subscribe to 95 blogs.
It has been 2.5 minutes since my last blog read.

Your turn.


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is AmyP and I've been clean for 45 days, 2 hours, 3 1/2 minutes :0) I only read five blogs. Hmmm...I have five kids, does that MEAN something?

I don't know how to
subscribe to RSS feeds...and don't tell me, I don't need to know, I'd like to stay on the wagon.

Boy, I've read some good ones, though. Signing off, my palms are getting sweaty.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the truth...

My hubby was threatening an intervention.

I went cold turkey.

Now I just blog--recreationally. It keeps the jitters and hallucinations away.

Anonymous said...

How do you get anything done? I subscribe to 22 and can spend hours lost in bloggerville. Whatever you do, don't buy any of my girls favorite addiction....webkinz! You would be lost forever.

Anonymous said...

Shameless justification of my addiction:

LOTS of my blogs are photography related, so I don't spend a lot of time actually reading. I just scroll through pictures.
LOTS of my blogs are not frequently updated, so they might have a new post, like, every 8 months.

Amy - RSS feeds will streamline your blog-reading time. and enable you to accumulate 296 blogs that you like to keep up on. search my blog for an RSS feed tutorial I posted on several months back.

Amy - If my husband were ever home, he would threaten intervention too.

Clint - Come over, use my laptop, become addicted to my various blogs. They're fasinating. :) Then YOU'LL be needing an intervention.

Anonymous said...


My hubbys only home more b/c he's coaching Bball; I encouraged him to coach b/c I knew it would probably get him home earlier--can't schedule a meeting w/a parent if you're at practice.

It's was an agonizing decision. Anyway, today I ended up staying online all day. It's 3:30, and I'm still in my pj's and I called Gerald to ask him to bring the younger ones home. Dishes need to be washed, we had to pull out the summer, plastic, pool plates and flatware last night..for Chinese takeout.

The girls are supposed to keep up on the dishes but w/bball practice every night, Anna can't and Molly doesn't know the ropes enough to do it w/out Anna.

I'm serious about the RSS feeds. I saw your tutorial a while back but decided I'd better beware.

BTW, I forgot to mention that I think you need to check yourself into one of those 30-day facilities. :0) What do you do, sleep w/your camera and when you get up, you keep it attached all day and while you're blogging you tell your boys, "hey, strike a pose for mommy" and you click away? You truly are a SuperMom.

You don't NWB, do you? They'll take you in for that one, you know (nursing while blogging). :0)

Anonymous said...

WOW! thats kind of insane.. Although Im addicted to the reading thing too, most of mine are photography blogs. I think I read (well cant go without reading) 8 blogs. They are the ones I check out at least once a day... lol. This really is a disease.

Anonymous said...

I only have about 15 every day that I check. I need to find some more... cause when people go on blogging sabbaticals it leaves me high and dry.

Anonymous said...

I have right @ 20 that I read... but some of my friends blogs don't get updated very regularly.

I too look @ pics a lot...
but I must admit that it was Tammi who actually got me hooked!