Thursday, November 29, 2007

Letters to Santa

The boys are catching on to the whole idea of Santa and it's actually a lot of fun. I was never going to tell my kids the whole Santa line (lying to your kids, making up mythical entities, missing the whole point of Christmas, etc. etc.) BUT...this whole Santa thing is wicked fun. They totally dig it...and they talk incessantly about Santa and when he will be coming, and how we have to make him cookies, and how will his fat butt fit down our tiny chimney. Ok...that last one is just me....because seriously, our chimney is SMALL.
Anyway...the boys were really geeked about writing a letter to santa to tell him what they want...all like, WHAT?! WE JUST LIST WHAT WE WANT AND HE BRINGS IT?? So I had to clear that up a little.
So....writing letters to Santa - yesterday's project. We mailed them today.
Now I just have to figure out a way to explain that we can't actually RIDE on the Polar Express to go see the big guy in the red suit....

I helped AJ pen his letter to Santa....but the thoughts and words are all him. :)
Oh...and when I asked him..."why do you want another Lightening McQueen car and another Chick Hicks car when you already have those?"
"I need two"
AAllllll-righty then.

#4?? "A Big Car that I can Drive"?? That would be one of those battery powered cars. He saw one in Toys R Us the other day....LOVED it. Sat in it. It was $500.
I guess he's got good taste.
And a vivid imagination. Because no way will that sucka be sitting in our living room on Christmas day.

I was SO proud of Owen, who addressed his envelope and wrote everything in his letter except for his list, which he dictated and I wrote for him, because telling a 5 yr old how to spell every single word and painstakingly print them out would have taken about 458 minutes.
Oh, and if anyone could tell me what #1 is....A "Thomas and Percy Race"....??? I have no clue. And he's been pretty adamant that BY GEORGE I MUST HAVE THIS FOR CHRISTMAS OR ALL IS LOST so I'm slightly concerned about it. Any insight is appreciated....


Anonymous said...

There's a Thomas the Train race track and the trains race.

Come on, it's all the rage. Where've you been?...Soulja Cool.

Whateeever...*Flip hair*.

(I've only see it once online...I'll try to find it and send you the link...but only if you'll get rid of the d*mn word verification :0) PLEEEASE)

Anonymous said...

how cute... that's fun!!

at least you haven't gotten into the "elf on a shelf" craze which is a little elf doll...sent by Santa that "watches" the kid and helps them behave. However, it requires the parent to
1. Write a letter to the children from Santa.
2. Move the "elf" figurine around the house several times a week/day without the child knowing...
3. Act like the "elf" is really alive...
etc, etc, etc, etc.......

My sister got sucked into this madness along with some of her girlfriends and now I think she really regrets it.

Anonymous said...

That is so fun!!

Anonymous said...

Since your MIL found the toy, I guess I'll just have to ask Santa to take away your word verification... :0)

(Everytime I mention "word verification," blogger adds on about 13 more letters.)

Anonymous said...

That's too cute. Your boys are so funny.

Anonymous said...

Santa Rules! I still remember my two most vivid Santa memories. Santa left my a "special" gift wrapped like snow with a glass heart ornament. (which I STILL have) On the tag it said.. to Lisa, Love Santa. It was a Skipper, Barbie's sporty sis. The best gift ever. And then when my Dad got on our roof and pretended to be reindeer in the middle of the night... I was 11.